Alternatively, we could return the error string as output, or add a `//nolint:errchkjson` comment. templates/templates.go:17:3: Error return value of `(*encoding/json.Encoder).Encode` is not checked: unsafe type `interface{}` found (errchkjson) enc.Encode(v) ^ Signed-off-by: ...
It has some errors when i use golint. Error tips like "Error return value of app.Run is not checked (errcheck)go-lint ". // and app.Run... ctx.JSON ... thanks
This error arises when you change a file that's currently checked in to source-code control. Usually, Visual Studio presents the file checkout dialog box so that the user can check out the file. This time, the file was not checked out, perhaps because of a merge conflict during c...
functionality is working but Im getting this exception every time that I create a new row ERRORError:ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError:Expressionhas changed after it was checked.Previousvalue:'value: undefined'.Currentvalue:'value:'. ...
Cause: User tries to retrieve a return value from a stored procedure invocation. A non-array type cannot be indexed. Cause: Only array types can be used as the base operand of array access operator ('[]'). Action: Check the type of the base operand. A SQL quote was not terminated. ...
Cause: User tries to retrieve a return value from a stored procedure invocation. A non-array type cannot be indexed. Cause: Only array types can be used as the base operand of array access operator ('[]'). Action: Check the type of the base operand. A SQL quote was not terminated. ...
The parameter value in the timeliness() function is not of the INT type. 2112 The sort expression is invalid. 2551 The drop-down suggestion rule that is specified in the query does not exist. Document-related errors whose error codes range from 3000 to 3999 ...
0xC00291E6-1073573402 DTS_E_SQLTASK_MULTIPLERETURNVALUEPARAM A parameter with type return value is not the first parameter, or there are more than one parameter of type return value. 0xC00291E7-1073573401 DTS_E_SQLTASK_CONNECTIONTYPENOTFILE Connection "%1" is not a file connection manag...
Continue_on_error (COE) is a new functionality in the Address Sanitizer runtime which provides a new “checked build” for C and C++. This new runtime mode diagnoses and reports hidden memory safety errors, with zero false positives, as your application
attr('checked', 'true'); } }); }); function is_one_checked(checks){ var checked = false; // Wheteher or not at least one box is checked (false by default) $(checks).each(function(key, value){ if(':checkbox') &&':checked')){ checked = tr...