R minfi - preprocessFunnorm: ERROR; return code from pthread_create() is 22 解决办法 缺少依赖包: git clone https://github.com/bmbolstad/preprocessCore.git cd preprocessCore R CMD INSTALL --configure-args="--disable-threading" . git下载失败,从github上本地下载安装的...
Createmain.go packagemainfuncmain() { } Createmain.c #include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include<dlfcn.h>intmain(intargc,char**argv) {void*handle=dlopen("./libtest.so",RTLD_LAZY);if(!handle) {fprintf(stderr,"Error: %s\n",dlerror());returnEXIT_FAILURE; }dlclose(handle);returnEXIT...
I extracted the source code of openblas v0.3.18 Then I went into the source code directory. The following error is reported when the "make" command is executed: cc1: error: CPU you selected does not support x86-64 instruction set My envi...
should consist of a set of SQL statements that will always lead to the error that you are getting. The error that you are getting is that the tablespace is corrupted. That can happen due to the constraints of the docker environment, like running out of RAM or disk space. Can't repeat....
The error “undefined reference to pthread create” is caused when the pthread header is not included in the program file. The other cause is that pthread is not used in the command line while compiling the code. This post also provides solutions to avoid this error. To counter the error,...
参考man pthread_create,pthread_create()函数在调用中启动一个新线程处理,给出pthread_create的特征: 1#include <pthread.h>23intpthread_create(pthread_t *thread,constpthread_attr_t *attr,4void*(*start_routine) (void*),void*arg);5//例如在VDEC 向视频解码通道发送码流数据 对函数 HI_MPI_VDEC_Send...
function */ VOID*joinRetval;/**< pthread adaption */ VOID*taskSem;/**< Task-held semaphore l_xy 2020-10-19 14:54:59 为什么DSP28035 CLA无法响应task8而只能响应TASK1呢? 我用CLA执行两个任务,task8和task1,task8使用软件触发,task1使用ADCINT1触发,现在问题是,我用软件触发task8之后,task8无法...
I've blown off other tasks I had to do today and decided to re-create the application. A new project with all of the source files is now hanging up when it tries to compile my printer utility. It's unable to find a definition of PRINTER_INFO_4 or PRINTDLGEX, even though every C++...
1) Just disable protected mode sending the command 'CONFIG SET protected-mode no' from the loopback interface by connecting to Redis from the same host the server is running, however MAKE SURE Redis is not publicly accessible from internet if you do so. Use CONFIG REWRITE to make this chang...
I am trying to do this one: http://blogs.msdn.com/rslaten/archiv...he-MP-API.aspx and I am experiencing an error regarding CoCreateInstance. It returns the error code 80040154.I did some research and I think that this means 'class is missing'. However, I followed all the steps in ...