the DREADED "Cannot delete ... The directory is not empty" error when excluded files exist on the target but not on the source. We recently decided to filter certain file extensions using the file exclude filters. All of these now excluded file extensions have been being backed up for ...
There have been instances where the directory could not be deleted because it was part of a CIFS-mounted filesystem (Samba). It failed to mention a file because it was a broken symbolic link. You couldn't see this over CIFS, so you may believe the directory is empty. In such cases, ...
Action:Make sure that the file can be created and written to in the appropriate export directory. NMC-03903 Error while removing directorydirectory_name Cause:A old export directory could not be removed. If more information is available, it will appear under this error. ...
In the event of a unsupported feature error when attempting to trash a user selected file (which occurs if the file is on a external drive), I handle the error by removing the item at the url. Finder seems to do the same thing. Now sometimes, I get Error 66: Directory Not Empty. I...
I am currently running the uninstall recipe on a 10.4.1 Enterprise stack and it seems to error out when trying to remove the files from the following directory C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Server. Looking at the code the recursive true is supposed to force remove all non-empty directories but ...
ng build -prod (node:7057) fs: re-evaluating native module sources is not supported. If you are using the graceful-fs module, please update it to a more recent version. Could not start watchman; falling back to NodeWatcher for file syste...
what worked for me was removing special characters...even the .MOV that exisits on the files you are converting. I had to hunt and peck for the solution for days. None of the other stuff I tried from this list worked for me. Votes Upvote Translate Translate Report Report Repl...
(Error: WIS 00026)...460 Removing skipped prompts from the query will introduce new prompts. This introduces complexities that cannot be supported. (Error: WIS 00027)...460 You must specify a value for the Keydate parameter. (Error: WIS 00028)......
ORA-65155: missing or invalid source file directory string Cause: Source file directory was missing or invalid. Action: Correct the SOURCE_FILE_DIRECTORY clause and reissue the statement. ORA-65156: pluggable database version string not allowed Cause: An attempt was made to plug in a pluggable ...