onReceivedHttpError这个方法主要用于响应服务器返回的Http错误(状态码大于等于400),这个回调将被调用任何资源(IFRAME,图像等),而不仅仅是主页面。所以就会出现主页面虽然加载成功,但由于网站没有favicon.ico文件导致返回404错误。 如何处理? 1.重写WebViewClient的shouldInterceptRequest方法禁用favicon.ico请求 @RequiresApi...
InvalidParameter.BandwidthAlertCounterMeasureConflictOriginTypeTencent Cloud COS and third-party object storage origins only support "Return 404". Please modify and try again. InvalidParameter.CDNStatusInvalidDomainInvalid domain name status. InvalidParameter.CamResourceBelongToDifferentUserInconsistent resource App...
Description: Workplace Join discovery failed. Server returned http status 404. https://EnterpriseRegistration.domain.com:443/EnrollmentServer/contract?api-version=1.0 Cause This problem occurs for one of the following reasons: The client is being redirected to the internal Device Registration Servi...
An TLS 1.0 connection request was received from a remote client application, but none of the cipher suites supported by the client application are supported by the server. The SSL connection request has failed. An unexpected error occurred while compiling expressions. Native compiler return value: ...
break vs return in a for/foreach loop breakpoint will not currently be hit no executable code Building the project for multiple output paths. Bulk Copy Program - Sqlstate=37000, Native Error=4060 Login failed bundles/jquery Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 40...
Indicates that the requestor's organization is not federated so the requestor cannot create sharing messages to send to an external user or cannot accept sharing messages received from an external user. ErrorOutlookRuleBlobExists 319 Indicates that Microsoft Outlook was used to manage the Inbox ru...
Description: Any API deployed and published on 4.0.0-rc will return 404 when invoked through API gateway. Gateway returns error: {"code":"404","type":"Status report","message":"Not Found","description":"The requested resource is not avai...
状态代码为 404 的 HTTP 错误响应。继承 ResourceNotFoundError CosmosResourceNotFoundError CosmosHttpResponseError CosmosResourceNotFoundError 构造函数Python 复制 CosmosResourceNotFoundError(status_code=None, message=None, response=None, **kwargs)
403 forbidden erroror403 forbidden access to this resource on the server is denied!is anHTTP status codemeaning the server has received the request and understands it very well but could not provide any additional access. This means, that the webpage you are trying to visit or the resource ...
请删除postman中url的尾随斜杠 目前,在控制器中注册的端点默认匹配带有尾随斜杠的定义路径-例如,@...