Error: License ManagerCannot launch application - license not found. Please consult your system administrator. Hello, I just submitted a 30 days trial to the Siemens Process Simulate VC Lite software. I did everything as described and I am alrea...
cannot test QtC 14.0.0 Beta 1 (macos-x64) starting QtC I'm getting *Error while initializing license client:* Not able to get the TCP port for license service -- QtC 13.0.2 runs without any problems -- any ideas ? ciao ekke -- Qt-creator mailing list h...
error: #error "Qt requires C++11 support c++0x, c++11的解决办法如果你是用makefile编译还好解决些,但是如果你是用CMake编译,你还得变成CMake的写法. 不过低层原理都一样,都是在g++上作文章. 我来告诉你makefile和CMakeLits.txt中怎么写来解决c++0x, c++11 g++ c 2020-12-27 上传 大小:3KB 所...
404 The requested resource was not found. 413 The request is larger than limits defined by the server. If you're trying to upload an attachment, this error might indicate that the attachment's size exceeds the maximum size allowed. 498 The access token provided is invalid or expired. 499 ...
Package: qt5-base:x64-windows@5.15.14#2 Host Environment Host: x64-windows Compiler: MSVC 19.40.33813.0 vcpkg-tool version: 2024-06-10-02590c430e4ed9215d27870138c2e579cc338772 vcpkg-scripts version: 1dc5ee3 2024-07-30 (5 hours ago) To Re...
When launching Inventor Professional 2022, below error appears: "Licensing error — Unable to connect to the desktop license service It looks like the desktop windows license server is no longer running. To resolve the issue, r...
Checklist the issue is indeed a bug and not a support request issue doesn't already exist: I have a short, runnable example that reproduces the issue I reproduced the problem with the lat...
The application has failed to start because Processing.Ndi.Lib.UWP.x64.dll was not found. The file Processing.Ndi.Lib.UWP.x64.dll is missing or corrupt. This application failed to start because Processing.Ndi.Lib.UWP.x64.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this proble...
(LO 26000)..227 14 Error Messages Explained Contents You do not have a valid license to use BusinessObjects Live Office. Contact your BusinessObjects Enterprise system administrator. (LO 26003)...227 You may have connected to the wrong version of BusinessObjects Web Services, or the Web Servic...
sudo xcodebuild -license 3.关闭终端,点击“Finder”,选择屏幕左上方的“前往”,然后选择“前往文件夹...”,然后把这句指令:/Users/xxxx/Qt5.7.0/5.7/clang_64/mkspecs/features/mac复制到路径框内。 4.编辑default_pre.prf文件,搜索xcrn, isEmpty($$list($$system("/usr/bin/xcrun -findxcrun2>/dev/...