解释“public key retrieval is not allowed”错误的含义 “Public Key Retrieval is not allowed”错误是MySQL数据库连接过程中遇到的一个常见问题,它通常发生在客户端尝试以非SSL/TLS加密方式连接到MySQL服务器,并且需要公钥来进行身份验证时。MySQL的默认安全策略是禁止客户端在没有SSL/TLS加密的情况下从服务器检索...
Cause The reason for the error "Testing failed: invalid connection properties settings. Public Key Retrieval is not allowed" is likely caused by the fact that the DB's User designated to connect (via JDBC) to MySQL, was created in the database withcaching_sha2_passwordauthentication plugin rat...
When DTS is used to migrate data, the user-created database is used as the source database and non-encrypted is selected for connection method. The following error is returned when you test the connection. Public Key Retrieval is not allowed Solution Change the value of my.conf in the defa...
Public Key Retrieval is not allowed I saw people on stackoverflow changing the driver propertyAllowPublicKeyRetrievaltotrueand the optionuseSSLtofalse. And it really works. But when I was tweaking the properties, I found that you don't really need to change those properties to make it work,...
分类: Spring Cloud Alibaba Nacos 推荐该文 关注博主关注博主 收藏本文 分享微信 juyss 粉丝- 10 关注- 2 +加关注 1 0 « 上一篇: 容器随Docker启动而启动 » 下一篇: Nacos使用 MySQL 8.0 提示Public Key Retrieval is not allowed posted...
点击套件配置 更换cmake为Qt自带版本解决 上一篇Public Key Retrieval is not allowed 博客园 首页 新随笔 草稿箱 联系 订阅 管理 Winter Wonderland 24 Dec, 2024 <2024年12月> 日一二三四五六 1234567 891011121314 15161718192021 22232425262728 2930311234 ...
Message text: The buffer supplied to MQReceiveMessage for message body retrieval was too small. The message is not removed from the queue and part of the message body that fits in the buffer was copied. IOTimeout -1072824293 Message text: The receive or peek message time-out has expired.Mes...
14 Data Warehouse Service Error Code Reference 2 Data Warehouse Service Error Codes SQLSTATE Error Code Value 38004 READING_SQL_DATA_NOT_PERMITTED Class 39 - External procedure invocation exception 39000 EXTERNAL_ROUTINE_INVOCATION_EXCEPTION 39001 INVALID_SQLSTATE_RETURNED 39004 NULL_VALUE_NOT_ALLOWED ...
rsStoredParameterNotFound141 rsCredentialsNotSpecified142 rsDataSourceTypeNull143 rsDataExtensionNotFound144 rsNoFieldDataAtIndex145 rsErrorOpeningConnection146 rsErrorImpersonatingUser147 rsErrorImpersonatingServiceAccount148 rsErrorImpersonateServiceAccountNotAllowed149 ...
Base -1072824320 Message Queuing does not return this error code. BufferOverflow -1072824294 Message text: The buffer supplied to MQReceiveMessage for message body retrieval was too small. The message is not removed from the queue and part of the message body that fits in the buffer was copied...