When trying to activate Kaspersky Free, you may encounter the "License has expired" or "Activation period has expired" error. Reason Incorrect system date on the computer The license has expired or the period during Solution Check the system date on your computer. For instructions, see this ...
AS described you are not able to save the pdf and getting the error message 'Trial has expired' We have checked the account details with the email you are using on this community and found that you have an active license for Adobe Acrobat Standard DC Please sign out ...
Error: Product support for your (Comp-FL) license has expired. License file(s) used were (in this order): 1. Trusted Storage ** 2. /opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2017.0.098/linux/bin/intel64/../../Licenses ** 3. /home/anhphan/Licenses ** 4. /opt/intel/...
pynlpir.LicenseError: Your license appears to have expired. Try running "pynlpir update". # 或者NLPIR Not valid license or your license expired! 表示授权过期,需要重新授权。解决办法如下: 1.去它的官方GitHub地址上下载新的授权(把整个项目下载下来,打开License文件夹即可)。 下载后点击License文件夹,选择...
pynlpir.LicenseError:Your license appears to have expired. Try running “pynlpir update”。或者NLPIR Not valid license or your license expired!意思是授权过期,需要重新授权。解决办法如下: 出现以上的异常或者报错都是 pynlpir 包的用户权限文件过期了的缘故。在https://github.com/NLPIR-team/NLPIR/上下载 ...
The appearance of this error indicates that the validity period of your license has expired.You need to renew your license.
If you previously had participated in a pre-release program, it's possible that you have a temporary serial number which was set to expire. If so, seeError "Licensing for this product has expired" | CS4, CS5. More like this Fix issues while activating or reinstalling legacy Adobe apps ...
Error 99998 "Required license for AMI_STANDARD, AMI_PREMIUM or AMI_ULTIMATE is not available, or all licenses are currently in use." Note: Depending on the product installed the reported product might be different. Causes: License has expired. The license file ...
The user is constantly told that the adobe license has expired, even if she has an active license. User is also logged into creative cloud with the correct email address. Checked in the adobe portal that she is registered and has a license for Adobe Pro, ...
1.原因:你把注册码改了,使本来已注册的不能用 解决:开始菜单/程序/Borland Delphi/Register Now写入正确的注册码 2.编译器有问题么?3.应该跟delphi是破解版的原因,大家现在用的开发环境大部分都不是正式版,一般涉及到license的问题,都应该考虑到是不是之间因为什么操作,触发了出产商设计...