### Error updating database.Cause:java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException:ORA-00001:违反唯一约束条件(GAC140.SYS_C0078268)### The error may involve com.tsnt.bom.sysmanager.dao.TbPartRoleMapper.insertSelective-Inline ### The error occurred while setting parameters ###SQL:insert into tb_...
Primavera P6 Enterprise Project Portfolio Management - Version and later: Error 'ORA-00001 - unique constraint (ADMUSER.PK_PC_PROCESS_STAT) violated' When C
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Registered more than one instance with the same objectName : com.bea:ServerRuntime=soa_server1,Name=PeopleQueryMDB_BPMJMSModule!BPMJMSServer_auto_2@dist_PeopleQueryTopic_auto,ApplicationRuntime=soa-infra,Type=MessageDrivenEJBRuntime,EJBComponentRuntime=oracle.bpm.b...
ORA-39083: Object type JOB failed to create with error: ORA-00001: unique constraint (SYS.I_JOB_JOB) violated 2. 查找ORA-39083和ORA-00001错误代码的含义 ORA-39083:对象类型创建失败,出现错误。 ORA-00001:唯一约束被违反。 3. 分析可能导致ORA-39083和ORA-00001错误的原因 在执行 Oracle 数据泵 IM...
-Error: ORA-00001:unique constraint (PV_ADMIN.PK_SEGM) violated -Reason: a static group membership link exists between a sub-elements and a group Causes A user uses the resmgr command to insert a resource into a group and then runs inventory grouping. If inventory grouping tries to pl...
SQLError: (1, 'ORA-00001: unique constraint (RHNSAT.RHN_SP_SNEP_UQ) violated\n', "insert into rhnServerPackage (server_id, name_id, evr_id, package_arch_id, installtime) values (:sysid, LOOKUP_PACKAGE_NAME(:n), LOOKUP_EVR(:e, :v, :r), LOOKUP_PACKAGE_ARCH(:a), TO_DATE(:in...
ORA-00001 Error Messages Oracle Database Database Error Messages Release 23ai Updated Sep 9, 2024 unique constraint (constraint_schema.constraint_name) violated on tabletable_schema.table_namecolumns (column_names) constraint_schema: The schema name where the constraint resides....
ORA-00001: 违反唯一约束条件 (.) ORA-00017: 请求会话以设置跟踪事件 ORA-00018: 超出最大会话数 ORA-00019: 超出最大会话许可数 ORA-00020: 超出最大进程数 () ORA-00021: 会话附属于其它某些进程;无法转换会话 ORA-00022: 无效的会话 ID;访问被拒绝 ...
What's odd is that ORA-0001 error could be eventually by-passed, if the user clicked 4 - 5 times on the "Ok" button. Eventually, a PK ID was generated that was not present in the table. It seems the "next value" for sequence ...