先看看注册表[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\]里是否有Java Runtime Environment项,如果没有该项,就安装jre 32位版的,建立完备的Java Runtime Environment项,然后看看环境变量path,是不是有新添加java相关的bin路径,优先了JAVA_HOME相关的bin路径,如果有新添加java路径,备份出来,删掉这个路径试试 00分享举报...
Error: could not find java.dll Error: Could not find Java SE Runtime Environment. solution: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6362037/java-error-opening-registry-key I had a similar problem. I had installed JDK7 update 1 but couldn't use it (probably because I found a JRE6 that I del...
Error: could not find java.dll Error: Could not find Java SE Runtime Environment. solution: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6362037/java-error-opening-registry-key I had a similar problem. I had installed JDK7 update 1 but couldn't use it (probably because I found a JRE6 that I del...
C:\Users\TD>java -version Error: opening registry key 'Software\JavaSoft\Java Ru 报错原因 是因为文件夹“%SystemRoot%\system32”下面可能有多余的“java.exe”,“javaws.exe”“”和“javaw.exe”文件,把它们删掉,配置正确JAVA_HOME、PATH,就可以搞定了!(如果没有删掉,再正确的配置还是会报错误提示,我的...
启动eclipse出现“Error opening registry key 'software\Javasoft\Java Runtime Environment'” 2015-09-28 20:04 −启动eclipse出现“Error opening registry key 'software\Javasoft\Java Runtime Environment'”,“java was started but returned code=2”。 ... ...
一般Oracle/sun的JDK安装包里有public JRE但是很容易被人看成要装另外一个软件而取消掉。如果不想装两...
一.备份安装好的绿色版JDK 1.第一步,首先卸载或删除JDK: 三种方式: (1)用控制面板卸载 (2)安全类软件(360等)自带的软件卸载工具的功能卸载 (3)直接删除jDK文件夹(我的默认的是:C:\Program Files (x86)\Java)(我喜欢的方式,简单粗暴,推荐) 2.第二步
Unable to complete login process due to delay in opening server connection Unable to conect to SQL Server 2008 from a client application Unable to connect Microsoft Sql server using Java Program(JDBC Driver is used) Unable to connect to my SQL Server database after Windows Update? Unable to co...
Oracle modified the registry key structure post-JRE version 8. During the installation of SQL Server 2016 and 2017, the JRE version 7 registry key names located at and below\ \ \ \ \ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java\ Runtime\ Environment\ \ \ \are searched for b...