Hi there, I'm looking for help on fixing an error while trying to add a new feature class into an existing feature dataset called Province. Error in Arc Catalog
Shapefile属于一种矢量图形格式,它能够保存几何图形的位置及相关属性。该种文件格式是由多个文件组成的:.shp - 用于保存元素的几何实体。.shx - 用于保存几何实体索引。.dbf - 数据库,用于保存关于元素的属性信息。
Error: Error opening feature class: Attribute conversion error[owner.TABLE][STATE_ID =n] Error Message When trying to open a feature class in ArcMap or ArcCatalog, the following error occurs: "Error opening feature class Attribute conversion error[MINN.UG_PARPTS_GEOM][STATE_ID =0]" Cause Th...
Now I cant open or use them in any ArcEnviroment of any kind (Also tried Topocad and FME, and on different computers, one of them has ArcGis 9.3.1... No go). Mostly I only get "Error opening feature class". Sometimes when I try to open the properties...
After adding a shapefile into ArcMap, the following message appears and the layer does not draw:"Error opening feature class. General function failure"
When previewing a feature class or adding it to a map, one of the following error messages occurs: “Error opening feature class. Unable to create object class extension COM component.” “Error opening feature class. Unable to create object class COM component.” ...
A feature class that participates in a geodatabase topology is inside a basemap layer. You cannot start editing on this workspace while this layer is in a basemap layer. Solution:Move the layer out of the basemap layer. You can drag layers in the table of contents to m...
import arcpy, os from arcpy.sa import * arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True fc = r'E:\my saves\finaldata.dbf\finaldataD' # Point feature class, needs to be in a file geodatabase (for the where clause to work) output_folder = r'C:\GIS\data\testdata' # Where the rasters will be sa...
ArcMap 10.8 | Archivo de ayuda ArcGIS Desktop se encuentra enfase final de soportey se retirará el 1 de marzo de 2026. No está previsto que haya versiones futuras de ArcGIS Desktop y se recomienda migrar a ArcGIS Pro. ConsulteMigrar de ArcMap a ArcGIS Pro...
ArcMap中无法读取NetCDF数据 间距必须相等,同时各个 Y 坐标之间的间距也必须相等。 情况2: 数据的扩展名是.nc,实际是hdf格式。 情况3: 未知原因,换台电脑可能就可以了。这种情况目前仅遇到过一次,样本太小,无法分析出原因。 解决方案: 情况1解决方案: 可以创建一个NetCDF 要素图层,然后插值为栅格。流程参考之...