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一、问题记录 GGSCI (s11g) 50> add schematrandata scott 2021-03-25 10:14:53 ERROR OGG-01790 Failed to ADD SCHEMATRANDATA on schema scott because of the following SQL error: ORA-26947: Oracle GoldenGate replication is not enabled. ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_CAPTURE_ADM_INTERNAL", line 156...
2015-05-25 13:44:43 ERROR OGG-01028 Record on table DUSER.B_ORGANIZATION with rowid AAAX05AAOAAGfocAAH from transaction 13.33.4286930 (0x000d.021.004169d2) i s compressed. Compression is not supported. 那么B_ORGANIZATION 表是 compression 是DISABLED . 仔细查找找到原因 1、alter table ... mo...