针对您遇到的 error: not_leader_or_follower 错误,以下是一些可能的解答和排查步骤,由于此错误通常与分布式系统、特别是与Raft算法或类似的一致性协议相关的系统(如Apache Kafka、CockroachDB等)中出现,因此我将基于这些系统的通用概念来解答。 1. 确认错误信息的来源和上下文 首先,需要确认这个错误是在哪个系统或组件...
Originality/value - This research addresses calls from scholars for greater consideration of temporality as a contextual variable in leader-follower dynamics, as well as those to take a more follower-centric approach to leadership research. This study also replicates prior leader error research and ...
之后出现错误:Error contacting service. It is probably not running,这个错误是zkServer.sh最后验证状态报的错误,正常情况下状态是leader或者follower。 网上有关这个问题出现的可能性有很多分析,大家自行搜索,我按照上面这个教程最后定位到问题是 : 需要关闭机器的防火墙。 $ systemctl stop firewalld.service //Cent...
This paper deals with the leader-follower consensus problem for multi-agent systems under fixed topologies, in which the dynamic characteristic of each agent and the leader can be described by the identical linear system. A consensus protocol based on error predictor is proposed. It is shown that...
就是通过命令jsp查询明明发现zookeeper已经在启动,可是./zkServer.sh status却显示Error contacting service. It is probably not running. 这里有这么几个原因: 1)zookeeper是集群的概念,务必保证2台或2台以上的机器正常启动,才有主从的概念(leader或者是follower)。
406 - ERROR_HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE Will be raised when an unsupported HTTP content type is used for an operation, or if a request is not acceptable for a leader or follower. 408 - ERROR_HTTP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT Will be raised when a timeout occured. ...
I do not know how to print on leader or follower since the node is one and the same. That is why I am also confused since I would expect both driver and slave to run on one node with identical environment. On one node I started master and on the very same node also slave. Further...
Description When a follower fails to flush, reply to the leader with a succeeded=false reply, so the leader will reset the follower. Once the follower is able to flush again, its logs will converge...
Mar 15 16:30:46 ### consul: 2021-03-15T16:30:46.381+0100 [ERROR] agent: Coordinate update error: error="No cluster leader" Environment All supported DX NetOps Performance Management releases Cause NetOps consul service is not being used as of now in the DX NetOps Performance Management NetO...
Here I tried to create a database called “TEST” first with the web client (there I got a message saying the database had successfully been created but it does not show in the list of databases), and then with the Influx shell (where I got the “no leader” error). ### Welcome ...