error:not catch checkpoint 文心快码BaiduComate 针对您遇到的 error: not catch checkpoint 错误,以下是根据检索到的信息给出的详细分析和解决步骤: 一、错误原因分析 error: not catch checkpoint 这个错误通常出现在使用 MiFlash 这类刷机工具进行小米手机刷机时。错误的核心原因是 MiFlash 在刷机完成后会检测手机...
具体请在菜单栏点击“Configuration”,点击“MiFlash Configuration”,在弹出窗口删除 CheckPoint 里的 \$fastboot -s .*lock 文本。 Disable Check Point 删除CheckPoint 参数 保持设置后再次刷机就不会遇到 error:Not catch checkpoint (\$fastboot -s .*lock), flash is not done 问题了。
error: Not catch checkpoint (\$fastboot -s .* lock),flash is not donethat includes the flash all, save user data and flash all and lock nothing works would this work for me i have my rom installed and uzipped im just scared to do anything since i just got...
状态:error:Not catch checkpoint (\$fastboot -s .* lock),flash is not done 结果:error 之后查看手机,发现手机重启后一直卡在开机页面,于是又刷了一遍,并在等待过程中百度了该问题,得到该问题解决方案:使用新版 MiFlash 刷机,不能选择「全部删除并 lock」,而选择「全部删除」时可能出现刷机失败,提示「Not c...
已解决 反馈编号: 23655945复制 mi_0y4b1B PC端 操作步骤 原先使用16版的,有发现wifi开5g、开蓝芽,就会一直断流,爬文解锁线刷回08版,但是刷到一半出现error:Not catch checkpoint (\$fastboot -s .* lock),flash is not done,后手机自已重启检查一下版本变08版,用了一晚上好像也没有什么问题,有需要再...
miui14想降级,..手机是k50pro,线刷遇到了:error:Not catch checkpoint (\$fastboot -s .*lock), flash is not done 线刷包是官网下的13.0.13
not catch checkpoint(\$fastboot -s .*lock),flash not done as on the screenshot below When I choose "clean all" option, I get an error: "Antirollback check error"... So I am unable to reflash ROM . I am using this ROM: umi_global_images_V12.0.1.0.QJBMIXM_20200709.0000....
Mi Flash Error error: Not catch checkpoint (\$fastboot -s .* lock),flash is not done WaiAi Nov 25, 2019 2 Replies 31 Views 35K Jan 11, 2025 Regele15 V The system has been destroyed error, fastboot locked VictorCallejas Jul 6, 2019 4 5 6 Replies 110 Views 47K...
KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED Stop error code 0x0000001E If a driver is identified in the stop error message, disable or remove that driver. Disable or remove any drivers or services that were recently added. If the error occurs during the startup sequence, and the sys...
KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED Stop error code 0x0000001E If a driver is identified in the stop error message, disable or remove that driver. Disable or remove any drivers or services that were recently added. If the error occurs during the startup sequence, and the system partition is formatted...