2.给iptables中添加规则,使得mysql的3306端口可以被访问到 root@ubuntu:# iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 3306 -j ACCEPT 3.修改 /etc/mysql/my.cnf 文件(重要) bind-address 这一行注释掉 4.service mysql restart 5.使用SQLyog测试连接,成功...
Error No. 2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (or some other host) simply means that connection is not possible for one of the following (or similar) reasons: * There is no MySQL server running at the specified host * Connection to the MySQL server is not allowed using ...
安装SQLyog 首先点击SQLyog.exe进行安装,根据正常流程走下去(网上有教程,记得选择一个合适的路径) 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1INnklOWucrXDqMcv588-aw?pwd=1234 安装后出现的问题 我这里安装完成之后尝试创建一个新连接localhost,但是测试连接时显示了2003错误 (作为一名小白,对这个弹出的窗口直接懵*了哈哈...
Error No.2003 Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10061),报错 截图如下: 在CMD中运行telnet试试看,报错: win7中运行telnet出错:’telnet’ is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file google之,看到 需要设置如下: Start >> Control Panel >> P...
Sorry for replying late thanks for your valuable tips on error 2003 connection problem. I have already open the port 3306 on windows firewall. I manage Mysql server through SQLYOG. I have no Mysql administrator. So can I solve this problem through sqlyog? Another thing is that when I try...
使用SQLyog连接远程MYSQL数据库时报错Error No.1045。这时候是使用密码了,网上的很多教程是using password: NO,还有说要修改MySQL源文件夹中的my.ini。不过这些都没解决。 二、解决方法 update user set password=PASSWORD('这里填你的密码') where user = 'root'; ...
flush privileges;2.在配置文件my.cnf中找到bind-address=改为0.0.0.0,改完之后重启...
使用SQLyog连接远程MYSQL数据库时报错Error No.1045。这时候是使用密码了,网上的很多教程是using password: NO,还有说要修改MySQL源文件夹中的my.ini。不过这些都没解决。 二、解决方法 updateusersetpassword=PASSWORD('这里填你的密码')whereuser='root'; ...
MySQL出现:ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost:3306' (10061) 问题。 问题描述:在登陆MySql输入账号密码后出现下图,是连接不到本地主机上的mysql服务器。 解决办法: 1:安装MySQL服务器,输入命令:mysqld --install,下图显示安装成功。 2:启动服务器,输… 1m.analyse SQLyog连接...
Error no. 1251: "Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server - consider upgrading MySQL client" occurs when the hashing-method for storing password used by the client differs from the one of the server. Typically it occurs when trying to connect to MySQL 4.1 or 5.x wi...