x Error: Nets with only one pin 检查了线是连接上的,重连也没用,检查 器件管脚映射也没问题,...
ensure that the net contains at least one pin with one of the following electrical types: • IO • Output • Open Collector • HiZ • Emitter • Power Nets with only one Pin This compiler hint appears when a net in the design has been detected to contain only one component pin...
If you have a net named the same across multiple sheets and they are not connected by Ports, Altium considers it to be a potential problem as two distinct nets inadvertent connected and will warn you about it. If the two local nets on the different sub sheets have same name ...
I am relatively new to Altium, and I am running into the following errors when compiling my schematic: Net SDI contains multiple Input Ports (Port SDI,Port SDI) Net CLK contains multiple Input Ports (Port CLK,Port CLK) What I am trying to do is connect multiple sheets to the same signal...
In the file oled.c, where the clock divide ration and oscillator frequency are initialized with the 0xD5 command. The parameter in the file is "80", but I think it should be the hex value "0x80". This might address some of the display in...
Altium error: Nets containing multiple input ports. What does this error mean?,转载于: https://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/55670/altium-error-nets-containing-multiple-input-ports-what-does-this-error-mean转载于: https://el