我是用node搭的后端请求,但是服务器返回"error_code": 216101, "error_msg": "param image not exist",对照错误码表发现错误码解释和文档有出入,求解? 我的代码如下: const express = require('express') const server = express() const Request = require('request') const urlencode = require('urlencode'...
LimitExceeded.MsgTTL The message retention period in the async retry configuration of the function exceeds the limit. LimitExceeded.Namespace If the number of namespaces exceeds the upper limit, you can apply for an increase by submitting a ticket. LimitExceeded.Offset Offset exceeds the upper limi...
Invalid image URL. Check the image URL. 400 FSS.1035 The image does not exist. The image does not exist. Check whether the image exists. 400 FSS.1036 The VPC does not exist. The VPC does not exist. Check whether the VPC exists. 400 FSS.1037 No subnet matches the specified ID. No ...
{ "error_code": "xxxx", "error_msg": "xxxx" } Error Codes Table 1Error codes 200 CBC.0000 Success. Succeeded. 403 CBC.0156 Access denied. The customer does not belong to the website you are now at. Access failed. You are not a client of this website. ...
VoiceParam VolumeInfo VoiceType AudioMsgFileInfo LocalAudioInfo LocalAudioClipStateInfo HWAudioClipStateEnum SelfPosition RemotePlayerPosition PlayerPosition Axis ErrorResult com.huawei.game.gmme.model.rtm Overview 监听RTM连接状态 RtmConnectionStatusNotify 订阅/取消订阅...
RestoreImage RestoreLocalServer RestoreMTR RestoreServiceDependencies RestoreServiceDependenciesWarning RestoreSnapshot ResultsToGrid ResultsToRuleFile ResultsToTextFile Wznów telefon Rethrow Pobrać Zwrot ReturnApplicationInsights Parametr zwrotny Returnvalue ReturnValueCollapsed ReturnValueExpanded ReuseExis...
NET_DVR_PARAMMODE_ERROR 88 Image intensifier, parameter mode error. This error may occur when client sets software or hardware parameters. NET_DVR_CODESPITTER_OFFLINE 89 Code splitter is offline. NET_DVR_BACKUP_COPYING 90 Device is backing up. NET_DVR_CHAN_NOTSUPPORT 91 Channel not support ...
The request failed with HTTP status 404: Not Found. error msg "Report item expressions can only refer to fields within the current data set scope" Error Resolving Location of TempDB.dbo.ExecutionCache error rsNegativeSize: The value of the Top property for the text box ‘textbox4’ is ...
ERROR_MSG_CACHE Constant Value: 907122059 由于网络不可用等原因App发送的上行消息被缓存了起来。 ERROR_APP_SERVER_NOT_ONLINE Constant Value: 907122060 App服务器不在线。 ERROR_OVER_FLOW_CONTROL_SIZE Constant Value: 907122061 App发送上行消息频率过高被流控。 ERROR_ARGUMENTS_INVALID Constant Value: 907135000...