When you install Windows in Legacy mode, you cannot fix the Dell Optiplex 3060 no bootable device found issue by simply switching to UEFI mode. To access your system, you will need to reinstall Windows System in UEFI mode. Reboot your Dell system and hit the BIOS key (F12, F2 or Del)...
追问: 你搞错了,是说用U盘启动盘安装完成后,再次重启电脑,显示 critical error message:no bootable devices found。用U盘启动包括安装系统都是正常的。 追答:这种情况你看硬盘安装正确吗?或者是硬盘已坏。 00分享举报您可能感兴趣的内容广告 2023新版重装系统重装系统 全自动系统重装 重装系统重装系统 兼容各类电脑...
一、拔去机器中的光驱及链接的U盘、存储卡等设备重启机器看看机器是否还有问题。二、如果操作后问题依旧,建议您可以尝试寻找和您机器操作系统版本一直的系统安装光盘进行修复看看是否可以解决问题,修复方法如下:1、将Windows安装光盘放入光驱中,开机按F9键设置为从光盘启动。2、看到“Press any key to b...
Why do I get the error "No Bootable Device" when I turn on my computer? You may receive the error "No Bootable Device" if your computer does not detect a hard drive, solid state drive, or other bootable drive to load the operating system. This can someti
When the computer starts, it looks for a bootable media to load the operating system. When it fails to locate any boot device or if the system files in the bootable device are damaged or not found, it shows a black screen having a message stating “no bootable device”. ...
after customer finished OS installation , he found that OS can not boot normally . he get this error : No bootable device
When I start up my computer it has a black screen with error messages that says “ no Bootable device-insert boot disk and press any key”. My laptop has no place to “insert a disk”. HELP! My computer was working fine before this. I turned it on and it has this error Tags: ...
How vexing to encounter the No Bootable Device error on my Acer computer. I found this post and fixed this problem after trying many recommended solutions online. Probably you are also looking for this.Click to Tweet Have A Try Now
开机报错:No bootable device 如下图: 故障原因及解决方案: “No bootable device” 说明电脑没有找到可启动的设备。如果是已经安装好系统的情况下仍然出现此提示,请按以下步骤进行: 1、关闭电脑,然后移除所有外部设备(如:U盘、移动硬盘、存储卡等)后再开机测试; 2、重启电脑进入BIOS检查电脑的启动项,硬盘是否是第...
I have started 11 hours ago and still I couldnt do it.Every problem you solve there comes another more powerful one.Now I am encountring this after partitioning mac restarts and a black screen appears with a message "No boot device found...Press any key to continue" I am done with this...