Source: Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-EventTracing Date: 10/20/2018 4:34:03 PM Event ID: 3 Task Category: Session Level: Error Keywords: Session User: SYSTEM Computer: HP1520T1 Description: Session "Circular Kernel Context Logger" stopped due to the following error: 0xC0000188 Event Xml: <Event...
The "Error Code: 0XC0000035" is a kernel event tracing error that can be caused by a variety of things, including outdated drivers, corrupt DNS cache, or a bad IP range. There are a few different ways that you can go about fixing this error. The first thing that you should try is ...
0x0000011D蓝屏代码表示“EVENT_TRACING_FATAL_ERROR”,意为在进行事件追踪时系统遇到致命错误,导致蓝屏。事件追踪技术用于记录系统和应用程序活动,该错误可能源于事件追踪组件的问题。建议首先在管理员模式下执行命令提示符,输入“sfc /scannow”命令来检查和修复可能损坏的系统文件。若此方法无效,考虑进行...
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit) :smileyembarrassed:What is the reason for getting Kernel-Event Tracing errors frequently in a bradnew laptop ? Session "Microsoft.Windows.UniversalNotificationPlatform" failed to start with the following error: 0xC000002...
win10蓝屏错误求助 只看楼主 收藏 回复鸿冥铭枫 崭露头角 2 富有美誉 9 点我头像看简介 免费解决电脑问题 大货70 默默无闻 1 解决好了吗,我也是这个怎么搞 登录百度帐号 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举...
How to Fix Circular Kernel Context Logger 0xC0000035 on Windows 10/11? Final Words Circular Kernel Context Logger 0xC0000035 Some of you might find your Event Viewer is filled with error code 0xC0000035 pointing towards a Kernel Event Tracing error. Although this error might not influence the...
EVENT_TRACING_FATAL_ERROR Bug 检查的值为 0x0000011D。 此 Bug 检查表示事件跟踪子系统遇到意外的致命错误。
The Windows Hardware Error Architecture (WHEA) raises an Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) event whenever a hardware error occurs. These hardware error events are recorded in the system event log. For descriptions of the various hardware error events that can be raised by WHEA, see Hardware Error...
I can not reproduce this on Windows 10 1909 german. I create a file named "é.txt", right-click - "Send To" - "Compressed (zipped) folder" and a file named "é.zip" containing the file "é.txt" was created.But perhaps you need to install a different language, see: Windows 10 ...
KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR 1.硬盘出现问题(坏块概率高) 2.内存没插好、损坏 3.病毒感染系统文件 1.命令提示符运行 Chkdsk/f/r 来修复磁盘问题 2.重新插拔内存,更换其他内存条排除损坏问题 3.在安全模式下用杀毒软件对电脑进行全盘查杀 0x0000007B INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE Windows找不到系统分区 1.使用PE盘,在...