可能导致 error=invalid_grant 的原因 授权码已过期:OAuth 2.0 授权码通常有一个较短的有效期(如 10 分钟),如果在这个时间内没有使用授权码获取访问令牌,授权码就会过期。 授权码被撤销:用户可能已经撤销了之前的授权,导致授权码无效。 授权码使用错误:在请求访问令牌时,如果提供的授权码不正确(如拼写错误、格式...
thr response still return : {"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"client_id mismatch. The code was not issued to bundleID"}, i don't know the reason. i read that i nedd to check in testFlit, ido but i still get the same error, i also put the same redirect_url in front...
Error was: Invalid status code: 400, response body: {"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"ip restricted"} org.mule.runtime.api.connection.ConnectionException: Invalid status code: 400, response body: {"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"i...
{"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"AADSTS700009: Reply address must be provided when presenting an authorization code requested with an explicit reply address.\r\nTrace \r\nTimestamp: 2023-03-01 21:39:03Z","error_codes":[700009],"timestamp":"2023-03-01 21:39:03Z",...
Code is the code as provided to the redirect_uri in the previous step. An API client is active on the account. Response is as follows: { "error": "invalid_grant"} What am I doing wrong?0 4댓글 4개 날짜 Eric Nelson Zendesk Developer Advocacy 2022년 5...
在 Git 运行时如果遇到强制中断的情形可能导致文件签名损坏,本文记录解决方案。 问题复现 当运行 git...
Ongoing maintenance for Salesforce HelpRead More Looking to contact Support? Use Agentforce!Read More Salesforce Connector OAuth JWT - {"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"audience is invalid"} Publish Date: Mar 2, 2024 Resolution ...
Hello there, I am using b2c login. I am able to get access_token, first requesting a code via the authorize and then using the code in /token endpoint. The issue is that I get {"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"AADB2C90085: The service has encountered an internal ...
你好,优步绑定银行卡的方法如下:1,首先在浏览器输入优步网址, 用您登录司机端的用户名密码登陆(强烈推荐使用电脑登录)。2,点击屏幕左侧导航栏『银行信息』。3, 点击后,页面自动跳转,请再次输入与登录时相同的用户名和密码,进入您的个人银行信息页面。4,进入银行信息管理页面后,按照指示,填写...
Hi, I am trying to get the get dynamics token using 'adal-node' library using below snippet, but I am getting invalid grant issue. please do the needfull. FYI, I have given all the required access in client application. Kind confirm the Dynamic scopes