你可以通过运行pip install --upgrade pip来更新pip。 如果是在特定环境(如虚拟环境或容器)中遇到此问题,请确保该环境已正确配置,并且pip在该环境中可用。 通过上述步骤,你应该能够解决“error: invalid requirement: '–upgrade'”的问题。如果问题仍然存在,可能需要进一步检查你的环境配置或寻求更具体的帮助。
安装frida报错ERROR: Invalid requirement: '\xe2\x80\x93upgrade'百度了一下没有解决方案,于是在google上找到解决办法。sudo pip install frida --upgrade --ignore-installed six
如果更新pip但更新文件不与pip同一目录导致无法读取,如果不改PATH,则删除更新文件后,试试 python-mpipinstall--upgradepip 如此再用pip安装其它包也无须用 --target= 指定安装路径。如果 pip install 失败,则试试 python -m pip install 若非更新you-get,懒得倒腾蟒蛇。
Hi we are trying to download required files using requirement.txt file we are using github repository when we are running below the code trigger:none resources: webhooks: -webhook:testspa_new### Webhook alias connection:testspa_new filters: -path:pull_request.merged...
AuthFailure.InvalidSecretIdInvalid key (not a TencentCloud API key type). AuthFailure.MFAFailureMFA failed. AuthFailure.SecretIdNotFoundKey does not exist. Check if the key has been deleted or disabled in the console, and if not, check if the key is correctly entered. Note that whitespaces sh...
I'm trying to upgrade to the latest version that was just released. When I visit the setup.php page, it shows this : The user has all permissions to the database. Everything seems fine... attempting to create/update database structure CR...
Description: github actions for python 3.8 fails with the following error: ERROR: Invalid requirement: 'Warning: The lock flag' (from line 2 of requirements.txt) Action version: runs-on: ubuntu-latest (python-version: [ '3.8' ]) - name: ...
Invalid User Directory message when installing CU or SP Permission error when you use a volume mount point Remove a partial installation of SQL Server Restore the missing Windows Installer cache files Service may not start after patch installed ...
FabricErrorCode that indicates that the upgrade domain was already completed. NodeHasNotStoppedYet 2147949618 FabricErrorCode that indicates that the node has not stopped yet. InsufficientClusterCapacity 2147949619 FabricErrorCode that indicates that the cluster capacity is insufficient. InvalidPackageSharing...
Cause: An invalid SAS address is in the MFC data. Action: Power off the system and remove the controller. Contact technical support to re-program the SAS address. 19 Some configured disks have been removed from your system, or are no longer accessible. Check your cables and also make sur...