在执行 lerna publish 的时候提示:Error: Invalid package name "@sunlg-test": name can only contain URL-friendly characters,之后所有的 lerna 命令都提示这个错误 相关截图: 相关代码: // 目录结构: -packages ---core ---utils // core的package.json: ***尝试过的解决方式: { "name": "@sunlg...
2024-01-13 12:23:15,728 ERROR 36861 [-/-/ GET /+CSCOE+/portal.css] nodejs.EINVALIDPACKAGENAMEError: Invalid package name "+CSCOE+" of package "+CSCOE+@portal.css": name can only contai...
针对你遇到的错误信息 invalid requirement: '-': expected package name at the start of depen,我们可以从以下几个方面进行分析和解答: 1. 错误信息分析 该错误信息表明在解析依赖项时遇到了问题,具体是在期望一个包名的位置遇到了不合法的字符 -。这通常发生在处理 Python 项目的依赖文件(如 requirements.txt)...
“/usr/bin/hdp-select”, line 226 print “ERROR: Invalid package –“ + name ^ SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to ‘print’. Did you mean print(“ERROR: Invalid package 2020-08-04 11:03 −... 独孤风 0 779 SyntaxError :invalid syntax ...
各位大哥,离线升级6.2后,注入出现这个问题怎么解决error package2 magic invalid 送TA礼物 来自iPhone客户端1楼2019-01-17 20:06回复 歪歪以歪歪 ACM 8 换张内存卡试试 来自iPhone客户端2楼2019-01-17 20:11 收起回复 江边的走走 Segment 10 reinx注入的,好像文件不全,重新下一个2.0。 3楼2019...
Invalid package family name: {yourpackagename}(expected: {yourpackagename}) Invalid package publisher name: CN={yourpublishername} (expected: CN={yourpublishername})What you need to do is get the correct cert details to use within the package.appmanifest. Thankfully, Visual St...
Invalid package family name: {yourpackagename}(expected: {yourpackagename}) Invalid package publisher name: CN={yourpublishername} (expected: CN={yourpublishername})What you need to do is get the correct cert details to use within the package.appmanifest. Thankfully, Visual Studio...
This is my package.json: { "name": "application-name", "version": "0.0.1", "private": true, "scripts": { "start": "coffee -w server.coffee" }, "dependencies": { "express": "3.3.4", "jade": "*", "coffee-script": "latest", ...
InvalidParameter.CDNStatusInvalidDomainInvalid domain name status. InvalidParameter.CamResourceBelongToDifferentUserInconsistent resource AppID. InvalidParameter.CamResourceSixStageErrorIncorrect six-segment resource parameter. InvalidParameter.CamTagKeyAlreadyAttachedThe domain name has already been associated with th...
“/usr/bin/hdp-select”, line 226 print “ERROR: Invalid package –“ + name ^ SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to ‘print’. Did you mean print(“ERROR: Invalid package spark-submit时报错 python升级3.7引起 恢复2.7正常 大数据流动 专注于大数据实时计算,数据治理,数据可视化等技术分享与...