1. 解释“incomplete type is not allowed”错误的含义 "incomplete type is not allowed" 错误通常发生在C++(或其他支持类型系统的编程语言中,但主要在C++中常见)中,当编译器尝试使用一个尚未被完全定义的类型时。一个类型被认为是“不完全的”,如果它在被使用时,其定义(比如类的成员、大小等信息)还不可用。这...
但是keil编译报错,网上查了,发现,需要写成extern uint8_t buff_value[30];把数组的大小固定了,才能编译通过。
keil报错:Symbol set_value multiply define和 incomplete type is not allowed和error: #65: expected a “;“ 一个是重复定义,一个是不完整类型,一个是缺一个; 第一个:重复定义,一般最多的就是两个文件中的变量定义重复而报错,一般这种改一下名就差不多了,而另一种就比较难看出来了。比如:定义一个结构...
EINT.C(4): error: #70: incomplete type is not allowed 结构体声明在是不能被extern的,如果多个文件中用了一个同结构体,只想声明一次 需要将结构体在头文件中定义,初始化可以放在.c中.EINT.C(4): error: #65: expected a ";"这是缺少了;EINT.C(24): warning: At end of sourc...
I'm porting a logger framework to KEIL arm compiler. Unfortunatly I get an error: logging/Logger.h(90): error: #70: incomplete type is not allowed But
Error: Incomplete type is not allowed on the following line: 1 2 doublehorizon_value::test(brain<horizon_value>& B) { neuron<horizon_value>* N_back = B.N->back();// error here, on "B" the "brain" type is declared like this: ...
你要把 结构体 说明{}括号中的内容也要带到B中,不然B文件不认识struct PQS_stru是什么
TACTL_0->TSSEL = clk_src; //ERROR LINE : pointer to incomplete class type is not allowed } I am not using any classes in my code but still get this error which is more often found in C++. I think it might be something to do with compi...
Software_RTC.h//错误原因,定义了 timeinfo 但是没有包含 time.h 头文件在Software_RTC.h文件中 struct tm *timeinfo; Contriol.c if(0 < timeinfo ->tm_wday < 6) { ; } 编译error: Error[Pe393]: pointer to incomplete class type is not allowed...
I've searched through the archives and I can't find a solution to my problem here. I am using CCSv6.1 and the TMS320F28075 processor. I declare a few structs, then I try to use them. Once I try to use them, I get the "#71 incomplete type ...