CreateVecIndex 数据分散/数据收集 数据搬运 DataCopy 普通数据搬运 随路格式转换 DataCopyPad 内存管理与同步控制 TPipe 构造函数 InitBuffer Init Destroy Reset AllocEventID ReleaseEventID FetchEventID GetBaseAddr InitBufPool GetTPipePtr TBufPool 简介 构造函数 InitBufPool ...
vcd add -internal ORNET_vhd_vec_tst/i1/* proc simTimestamp {} { echo "Simulation time: $::now ps" if { [string equal running [runStatus]] } { after 2500 simTimestamp } } after 2500 simTimestamp run -all quit -f But after proceeding, ...
An estimate for the interior pointwise error \(\varvec{\zeta }^{\mathbf {(I)}}\) can be established by the energy analysis. Following the steps in the proof of Lemma 1, we have $$\begin{aligned} \frac{d}{dt}\Vert \varvec{\zeta }^{\mathbf {(I)}}\Vert _H^2 \le 2 (\var...
What condition or conditions must be met for a rigid body to be in equilibrium? a. vec{F}_{net} = vec{0} only. b. T_{net} = 0 only. c. Either vec{F}_{net} = vec{0} or T_{net} = 0 . d. Both v What is the discrepancy formula in physics?
WARNING: Trying to find vecdimension in ResponsePmats section … When performing a Subsystem DFT excitations calculation the excitations must be calculated for each sub-system (fragment). WARNING: Density fitting may not be accurate enough!
WRN_INVALID_BITVEC_MATCH_FOR_SD DAT_USC_Map_ZoneModel::Pattern Matching - bitVec match error for SD (value). WRN_INVALID_PATH_NUM_FOR_SD DAT_USC_Map_ZoneModel::Pattern Matching - invalid path number for SD (value). WRN_INVALID_QTY_VAL DAT_USC_Map_ZoneModel::Invalid quantity value fo...
directions, respectively. assuming that the straightness error in four directions of the raceway is equal to the mean: $$e_{y} \left( z \right) = \varvec{e}_{11} \left( z \right)|_{y} = \varvec{e}_{12} \left( z \right)|_{y} = \varvec{e}_{21} \left( z \right)|...
Use VEC_FromText() to generate it. 4205 ER_VECTOR_FORMAT_INVALID Invalid vector format at offset: %d for '%-.100s'. Must be a valid JSON array of numbers. 4206 ER_VEC_DISTANCE_TYPE Cannot determine distance type for VEC_DISTANCE, index is not found ↑ Error Codes ↑ Operating System...
AutoPtr<ErrorEstimator> error_estimator;// To solve to a tolerance in this problem we// need a better estimator than Kellyif(global_tolerance !=0.) {// We can't adapt to both a tolerance and a mesh// size at oncelibmesh_assert_equal_to (nelem_target,0); ...
pd.set_vertex_coordinates( pointVec, vertexIndex, err ); pd.snap_vertex_to_domain( vertexIndex, err ); OFEvaluator& obj_func = get_objective_function_evaluator(); TerminationCriterion* term_crit=get_inner_termination_criterion();doublevalue;boolfeasible = obj_func.evaluate( pd, value, err ...