"The License manager is not functioning or is improperly installed" when launching AutoCAD versions 2017 to 2019 Delete Loginstate.xml file. Go to the folder: C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Autodesk\Web Services Delete the loginstate.xml file. Launch the product and sign...
兄台,帮忙看下这个怎么解决 龙开万 托儿所 1 Nx License error:license server system does not support this feature[-18] 翻译过来是:许可证错误:许可证服务器系统。如何解决@落兕 怎么做好 mark21077 初一年级 10 楼主,求助。可否留个联系方式。主要是我那问题一直困扰了几个月了,尝试了各种办法登录...
27) Select your current license, then click [View]. The error "Hardware key not found" should not display. Applies To OnGuard (All versions) Additional Information If the dongle is working during normal operation, but occasionally, the "Hardware key not found" error displays in License Adminis...
When launching Revit / Revit LT 2020 and higher versions, the following error below shows up: Autodesk Revit (LT) version Licensing System Error 22 Failed to locate Adls In rare instances the above error may precede to "The License manager ...
求助:ansys17..我用SSQ破解的方法安装好了ansys17.0但是启动fluent后,鼠标移动到按钮的地方会一直转圈,tree和task page也没有东西出来,过一段时间会提示:Error:eval:unassig
How to reset license activation for an Autodesk product for stand-alone license with single-user access "Check that your system clock is set to the current date and time before you try again" when launching Autodesk software "Licensing System Error 9" when opening Revit or Revit LTWas...
aNX License Error: Cannot connect to license server system. The server(lmgrd) has not been started yet, or UGS_LICENSE_SERVER is set to the wrong port@host.[15] NX执照错误: 不能连接到执照服务器系统。 服务器(lmgrd)未被发动或者UGS_LICENSE_SERVER被设置对错误port@host。(15)[translate]...
NX License Error: Cannot connect to license server system. The server(Imgrd) has not been started yet, or UGS_LICENSE_SERVER is set to the wrong port@ host. [-15} NX License Error: Cannot connect to licen...
1、双击launch.exe打开安装界面,选择第二项“install license server”安装,在选择语言时选中文;安装过程中提示你寻找license文件,使用浏览(browse)来找你安装文件中的MAGNiTUDE文件夹下的nx6.lic文件就可以,不用改里面的计算机名,系统安装自动会生成。继续直到结束,目录路径不要改变,默认就行。2、...
安装完ansys14.0后,打开mechanical APDL product launcher出现the following licensing error was encountered while checking the status of available license servers:could not connect to any license servers的问题,我自己经过各种尝试,找到一种解决方法:在ansys安装盘里找ansys inc\shared files\licensing\ansyslmd.ini...