> baseplot + ggmin::theme_powerpoint() Error in loadNamespace(name) : 不存在叫‘ggmin’这个名字的程辑包 > install.packages("devtools") Installing package into ‘C:/Users/Nano/Documents/R/win-library/4.0’ (as‘lib’ is unspecified) trying URL 'https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/CRAN...
error:in exportNetworkToCytoscape(modTOM, edgeFile = paste("CytoscapeInput-edges-", : Cannot determine node names: nodeNames is NULL and adjMat has no dimnames. 解决办法:replace “probes = names(datExpr)” in “probes =col names(datExpr)” 关注...
在biostas问答版的帖子中就有高手做出了解答:## Error in (function...) thrown by WGCNA tutorial (R)原因为:WGCNA与其他软件包之间存在冲突。WGCNA中的cor函数与R中自带的cor在命名空间上有冲突。解决方法为:在使用该函数之前暂时重新分配功能,见下方正确用法 cor <- WGCNA::cor net = bloc...
WGCNA报错Error in colorMatrix[, c] 之前遇到过有人运行WGCNA,在画性状和表型图时总会报一个错误: Error in colorMatrix[, c] : incorrect number of dimensions In addition: Warning message: In greenWhiteRed(10) : WGCNA::greenWhiteRed: this palette is not suitable for people with green-red color ...
解决了吗 同遇到了这个问题。
Hi, This program is working great so far for me now, thanks. I've just come up with an issue when comparing multiple WGCNA objects with the bubble plot. I get an error with generating the bubble plot colorbar. My first attempt was with 5...
thrown by WGCNA tutorial (R) 原因为:WGCNA与其他软件包之间存在冲突。WGCNA中的cor函数与R中自带的cor在命名空间上有冲突。 解决方法为:在使用该函数之前暂时重新分配功能,见下方正确用法 cor <- WGCNA::cor net = blockwiseModules(datExpr, power = 6, TOMType = "unsigned", minModuleSize = 30, ...
但是会有警告信息,不过不影响结果: Warningmessage:IngreenWhiteRed(50):WGCNA::greenWhiteRed:thispaletteisnot suitableforpeople with green-red color blindness(the most common kind of color blindness).Considerusingthe function blueWhiteRed instead.