检查列"xcell"、"expression"和"group"的数据类型和内容是否适合ggboxplot函数的要求: x和fill参数通常应该是因子(factor)或字符型(character),而y应该是数值型(numeric)。使用str(b)可以查看数据框的结构和类型。 检查代码: R str(b) 如果类型不匹配,可以使用as.factor()或as.character()来转换因子或字符型...
1 Adding texts to boxplot - ggplot2 2 How to use a function to place text in geom_boxplot Hot Network Questions Does the A320 have an audible A/THR disconnect sound? Is this a balanced way to implement the "sparks" spell from Skyrim into D&D? What is the name fo...
> boxplot(airquality$wind, xlab="Wind", ylab="Speed(mph)") Error in plot.window(xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, log = log, yaxs = pars$yaxs) : 'ylim'值不能是无限的 In addition: Warning messages: 1: In min(x) : no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf 2: In max(x) : ...
ggplot(tgc, aes(x = dose, y = len, colour = supp)) + geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = len - ci, ymax = len + ci), width = 0.1, position = pd) + geom_line(position = pd) + geom_point(position = pd) 黑色的误差线 - 注意 'group=supp' 的映射 -- 没有它,误差线将不会避开(就...
0 R - getting box plot to work 3 Error when making a simple boxplot with ggplot2 0 Error when making a boxplot with ggplot2 1 Boxplot dplyr: Error: non-numeric argument to binary operator 0 Issue with Boxplot formula or variable definition 1 Error in boxplot, argument "...
The boxplot function in the Datacamp Python iShell keeps giving python-errors regarding the set_ticks-function when calling the boxplot function with: jobs.boxplot(fontsize=6, vert=False), while the boxplot shows nevertheless, error-free. Which makes it so that I cannot complete the exercise...
在ggplot2中使用geom_errorbar会导致"Error: geom_errorbar需要以下缺少的美学: ymin,ymax“ Plotnine :如何在一行中创建两个图例 position_dodge2()是否适用于python的plotnine? Plotnine :如何删除geom_line()中行周围的图例框 使用python的plotnine从R到网格化创建绘图 无法在Matlab中绘制使用`datetime`数据类型的`...
問題描述 matplotlib:更改箱線圖中誤差條組件的線條顏色 (matplotlib: change line color of error bar component in boxplot) 我發現 this 相關,較老的問題。可悲的是。error_kw 不再存在(使用 matplotlib 版本 1.5.0)。capprops 字典確實只適用於上限。 我想
Boxplots summarizing proportional error in abundance from the simulation experiment.Paul, B. ConnDevin, S. JohnsonPeter, L. Boveng
> boxplot(airquality$wind, xlab="Wind", ylab="Speed(mph)") Error in plot.window(xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, log = log, yaxs = pars$yaxs) : 'ylim'值不能是无限的 In addition: Warning messages: 1: In min(x) : no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf 2: In max(x) :...