1、问题 JNI DETECTED ERROR IN APPLICATION: illegal class name 'com.example.chenyu.test.JniClient' 2、原因 我在jni里面,写成这样了 (*env)->FindClass(env, "com.example.chenyu.test.JniClient"); 1. 特么我把包名写成××.xx.xx.xx了 3、解决办法 把com.example.chenyu.test.JniClient改为下面的...
当然,看报错信息应该跟jni相关,试着换个手机,同样会出现一眼改的问题,然后,试着关闭instance Run ,结果还是老样子(诡异的是之前开发这个界面就没出现过这个情况,so库是高德开放api提供的,且一直没有更换jni放置目录,而且检查data/app/应用包名/lib/arm/编译打包进的so库无异常,猜想是更新了android studio 和gradle...
importAnimated,{ZoomIn,ZoomOut,Layout}from'react-native-reanimated'functionRenderItem({item}){...return(<Animated.Viewentering={ZoomIn}exiting={ZoomOut}layout={Layout.delay(200)}>...</Animated.View>)} Package versions Affected platforms Android iOS Web 👍2 UPDATE: I reverted back to version ...
The OS uses Android 11. I use the mraa library to read the Uart value. But sometimes this error appears. JNI DETECTED ERROR IN APPLICATION: input is not valid Modified UTF-8: illegal continuation byte 0xf0(The value after byte changes every time) Even if I try to modify the mraa li...
JNI DETECTED ERROR IN APPLICATION: can't call void android.view.View.setElevation(float) on null obj 出现原因: SwipeRefreshLayout 嵌套 CoordinatorLayout 嵌套 AppBarLayout ...; 解决方法: 在AppBarLayout 中加入: android:stateListAnimator="@null" ...
JNI DETECTED ERROR IN APPLICATION: unexpected jboolean value: 102 value的类型为bool 当value的值为102时,代码全部报错unexpected jboolean value: unexpected jboolean value: 102 SetBooleanField函数为void SetBooleanField(jobject obj, jfieldID fieldID, jboolean value)。第三个参数接受类型为jboolean ...
JNI DETECTED ERROR IN APPLICATION: JNI NewGlobalRef called with pending exception java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: method:makesureAuthed, sig:(Ljava/lang/String;)Z 2020-06-05 17:53 −... yongfengnice 0 5229 ([Ljava/lang/String;)V的含义 ...
F/e.cached_images(24599): java_vm_ext.cc:591] JNI DETECTED ERROR IN APPLICATION: JNI ERROR (app bug): jclass is an invalid global reference: 0x25afa (deleted reference at index 4823) F/e.cached_images(24599): java_vm_ext.cc:591] in call to IsInstanceOf ...
Solved: I want to run android application with simple map using ArcGIS_Runtime_SDK_Qt_Windows_100_14_0 sdk. Im using Qt Creator 7.0.2 Based on Qt 6.2.3 (MSVC 2019,
Server Error in '/' Application. 常用解决办法 一、重建并更换应用程序池,然后重启IIS观察 重建并更换应用程序池,手动操作,不会的话去百度 重启iis:iisreset 要是担心重启iis不彻底,cmd命令行显性执行: 代码语言:txt 复制 @rem cmd操作 net stop http /y & net start http & iisreset /restart & net ...