今天在国外一个网站注册一个id(账号)的时候,提示:recaptcha token invalid 的错误。 为了解决注册遇到的这个问题,网上找了很多资料,终于完美解决了,现在分享给大家,以便以后遇到同样的问题的时候有个参考的解决方案。 我使用的浏览器是 Google Chrome。 出现以上的这个问题,是因为国内屏蔽google服务,导致 recaptcha 无法...
form.recaptchaEnabled == "true") { formData.append("g-recaptcha-response", recaptchaToken); } formData.append("code_part1", self.form.code_part1); formData.append("code_part2", self.form.code_part2); formData.append("code_part3", self.form.code_part3); formData.append("email", ...
vcRecaptchaServiceProvider.setStoken('Secret key'); And the reCaptcha has started to work I thought it really weird working without STOKEN and presenting the same error with STOKEN.. Can you help me solving this problem?? Thanks!! fsaalmeidinhachanged the titleERRO para o proprietário do ...
This works fine on local-host environment, both in development and production, but when I am using this on VM(Azure VM), it gives ERROR: Stoken Expired issue. Screenshot of the issue http://imgur.com/pFfJXRn recaptcha version - 0.4.0 Rails version 4.2.1 Passenger Phusion server(5.0) ...