另一种解决方法是直接使用IP地址代替域名进行访问。你可以使用ping命令来获取域名的IP地址,然后在Postman中使用该IP地址进行请求。 最后,如果以上所有方法都无效,那么可能是目标服务器出现了问题。此时,你可以联系服务器的管理员或者服务提供商,询问是否有DNS解析或者网络访问的问题。 总之,Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND...
URL格式错误:在Postman中,如果请求的URL格式不正确(如缺少协议头http://或https://),也可能导致解析错误。 代理或VPN设置:如果计算机配置了代理服务器或VPN,并且这些设置不正确,也可能影响DNS解析。给出解决postman error: getaddrinfo enotfound问题的步骤 检查URL格式: 确保在Postman中请求的URL格式正确,包括协议...
Error message Error: NETERR: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND localhost appears during Postman request monitoring Nodejs encounters 'getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND' error while attempting to make a get request to localhost Localhost not found: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND error Node server on MacOS El Capitan reports `...
Dear all, I’m configuring Postman Monitor to schedule night executions. However I’m facing the following error in the monitor console log: Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND ... Note that I’m working on the private network…
I'm trying to send a simple GET request to a subdomain of localhost and I'm getting an error in the Postman console that Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND but the URL is definitely available. I've tried different combinations of including the...
Hello Postman-community! I’m currently facing an issue regarding the Monitoring feature of the Postman that I couldn’t figure out somehow. When I run my collection which includes some POST Requests which contain a few t…
浏览器打开:http://localhost:9090/,进入yapi的配置安装服务。 http://localhost:9090/ 部署yapi的时候,选择1.8.8版本安装解决以上安装1.4.1报错信息。 如果停留在这个页面时间过长,可以打开yapi server // 启动Yapi服务 这个dos窗口,一般是报错,已终止了。报错信息如:Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND yapi.demo.qun...
API Request URLs can not be longer than 2048 characters (info). As a workaround you can use a URL shortener tool, e.g.https://tinyurl.com/ OAuth2 connections are not available on this plan This error occurs when anOAuthconnection is selected and run by a user whose subscription plan d...
Description: Any API deployed and published on 4.0.0-rc will return 404 when invoked through API gateway. Gateway returns error: {"code":"404","type":"Status report","message":"Not Found","description":"The requested resource is not avai...