getaddrinfo enoent错误意味着“getaddrinfo”函数在尝试解析主机名时未能找到对应的地址。getaddrinfo是一个用于网络地址和服务的名称解析的函数,它将主机名(如域名)转换为IP地址。当这个函数找不到指定的主机名时,就会抛出ENOENT(Entry Not Found)错误。
在使用npm安装依赖时,报如下错误: 9895error compilingfromsource9896error getaddrinfo ENOENT raw.githubusercontent.com9896error gifsicle pre-build test failed9896error Error: Command failed: C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /s /c"autoreconf -ivf"9896error'autoreconf'�����ڲ����...
Postman请求报错:Error:getaddrinfo ENOENT, 一、问题来源 今天发布一个新开发的项目到通州现场,内容是开放几个接口给第三方调用,需要现场部署的同事使用postman调用测试一下,现场同事使用postman调用后反馈有如下错误: 二、解决方法 
internal server error错误通常发生在用户访问网页的时候发生,该错误的意思是因特网服务错误。能够引起...
保存文件。Mac OS 系统 打开终端(Terminal),默认位置在 启动台 --> 其它 --> 终端 在终端中,输入以下命令,使用vim修改hosts文件(会要求输入计算机密码):sudo vi /etc/hosts 确保输入法为英文模式,按一下键盘上的 i 键 使用方向键,将光标移动至文本尾部,然后再文件尾部添加以下文本:按一...
Windows系统 打开目录:C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc/ 找到hosts文件,打开方式记事本,在文件尾部添加以下文本: 199.232...
Hi, I'm having issues (sometimes) with my application. My Application is working well and all request too. But sometimes, i'm having this issues : getaddrinfo ENOENT (err -3008). It seems that my OneDrive is not available for a short time. I feel
Closed Environment data VS Code version: 1.77 I have download the sourceCode of the jupyter, when I run npm install or yarn, it always wrong, I and My group members have tried two days, we are crazy, Can you help to fix? thanks very very very much!
getaddrinfo ENOENT cwebp pre-build test failed compiling from source Error: Command failed: C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /s /c "./configure --disable-shared --prefix="C:\liuyan\tools\echarts-5.4.0\node_modules\cwebp-bin\vendor" --bindir="C:\liuyan\tools\ech...