针对你提出的“error from validatepassword: 2”问题,我将从以下几个方面进行解答: 确定validatepassword函数的错误代码含义: 根据提供的参考信息[@2@],validatepassword错误代码2通常与MySQL的密码策略有关。在MySQL中,validate_password_policy参数决定了密码的复杂度要求。当该参数设置为2(即STRONG策略)时,密码不仅...
首先打开/etc/my.cnf,然后在[mysqld]的下方加入如下代码: plugin-load-add=validate_password.so validate-password=FORCE_PLUS_PERMANENT plugin-load-add=validate_password.so:插件的加载方法,每次服务器启动时都必须给出该选项; validate-password=FORCE_PLUS_PERMANENT:validate-password在服务器启动时使用该选项来...
ERROR 1193 (HY000): Unknown system variable 'validate_password_length' 三、问题解决 3.1检查并安装/激活插件:使用以下命令检查validate_password插件是否已安装和激活:还是有报错, mysql> SHOW PLUGINS; ERROR 1820 (HY000): You must reset your password using ALTER USER statement before executing this stateme...
1、validate_password_length 固定密码的总长度; 2、validate_password_dictionary_file 指定密码验证的文件路径; 3、validate_password_mixed_case_count 整个密码中至少要包含大/小写字母的总个数; 4、validate_password_number_count 整个密码中至少要包含阿拉伯数字的个数; 5、validate_password_policy 指定密码的强度...
如何更改TextInput密码输入模式下passwordIcon的大小、颜色、位置 状态栏与页面内容发生重叠,如何解决? 如何实现状态栏背景颜色沉浸? 在深色模式切换下如何适配状态栏颜色? 进入全屏模式后隐藏状态栏,退出全屏模式如何显示状态栏? Button组件无法设置字体最大、最小值 如何实现折叠屏折叠态不适配旋转,展示态适配旋...
SEC1112 Cannot validate user [{0}] for JDBC realm. Cause: Cannot obtain the password for the user provided. Action: Please check the JDBC configuration, encoding algorithm and the password for the user. SEC1114 Exception in LdapRealm when trying to locate groups for user. Cause: There was ...
-309Zip validate error. -310File not folder. -311Folder not deleted. -401No XML input. -402No XML filter definition. -403XML parse failed. -404XML write failed. -405Bad XML file. -406Bad XML parameters. -407XML document failed. ...
This connection is configured to validate the identity of the access server, but Windows cannot verify the digital certificate sent by the server. 802 The card supplied was not recognized. Check that the card is inserted correctly, and fits tightly. ...
0x00000271 ERROR_VALIDATE_CONTINUE The validation process needs to continue on to the next step. 0x00000272 ERROR_NO_MORE_MATCHES There are no more matches for the current index enumeration. 0x00000273 ERROR_RANGE_LIST_CONFLICT The range could not be added to the range list because of ...
Set the validateAuthority flag to false to use Azure Regional authority. Do not disable authority validation if you read the authority from an untrusted source, for example from the WWWAuthenticate header of an HTTP request that resulted in a 401 response. ...