在Vivado设计流程中遇到错误代码 [vivado 12-1345] error(s) found during drc. bitgen not run 时,通常表明在设计规则检查(DRC)过程中发现了错误,这些错误阻止了比特流生成器(bitgen)的运行。以下是对这一错误的分析和解决步骤: 1. 错误识别与文档查找 错误代码 [vivado 12-1345] 指示在设计规则检查过程中发现...
然后报错 [Vivado 12-1345]Error(s) found during DRC. Bitgen not run[DRC NSTD-1]UnspecifiedI/O Standard:6out of6logical ports use I/O standard (IOSTANDARD) value'DEFAULT', instead of a user assigned specific value. 官方给的解释就是: Theerrormessageistonotify customers that they needtosetIO...
When I run the DRC in the plane, there's no more error including the "Mismatch device footprint", Did I miss something on the process? Logic: Adding pin 9 to my logic design. Integrator Plane: Dev1 was unplaced Run DRC: No Error found during DRC run. Am...
ERROR: [Vivado_Tcl 4-23] Error(s) found during DRC. Placer not run. How do I debug this issue? Solution The BIVC-1 error message indicates that there are conflicting IOSTANDARDs in one bank. These IOSTANDARDs require different VCCOs. The following debug steps can be used to analyze the...
ERROR: [Vivado_Tcl 4-78] Error(s) found during DRC. Opt_design not run. The tcl script does the following: 1. creates the project 2. imports IP (as .xci files via import_ip) 3. generates the IP (via: generate_target all [get_files mig_0.xci] -force ) 4. ...
ERROR: [Vivado_Tcl 4-78] Error(s) found during DRC. Opt_design not run. Solution This issue will be fixed for the 2019.1.2 release of Vivado. If you are using the 2019.1.1 version, the addressing will need to be 32-bit. URL Name 72565 Article Number 000029391 Publication Date 8/15...
Bitstream generation for the GTP example design fails with following DRC Error message: ERROR: [Drc 23-20] Rule violation (REQP-1584) GT PLLLOCKDETCLK can not be REFCLK - GTPE2_COMMON pin u_ibert_core/inst/QUAD[0].u_q/u_common/u_gtpe2_common/PLL0LOCKDETCLK cannot be driven by a ...
9月 23, 2021 Knowledge 标题 60030 - 2014.1 - IBERT - DRC violation Error: [Drc 23-20] during bitstream generation Description Bitstream generation for the GTP example design fails with following DRC Error message: ERROR: [Drc 23-20] Rule violation (REQP-1584) GT PLLLOCKDETCLK can not be...
bitstream for the VCU110 evaluation board with Viviado 2016.2 because of the followingerrorduring 小呆瓜子2018-10-26 15:02:40 运行synth_design时出现警告 synth_designi have the following warning :ERROR: [DRC INBB-3]Several DSPs in the ip are considered as a ...
Cause: Memory allocation problems found during process shutdown. Action: Contact Oracle Support Services. DA-10625 Could not start a process due to errors in the message facility. Cause: Problems encountered when starting up externalized message support. Action: Contact Oracle Support Services....