Hi, I am using Seurat version '4.3.0' and SeuratObject '5.0.1' to run Pando, but I get an error when I run find_motifs: Error in validObject(.Object) : invalid class "SeuratPlus" object: invalid object for slot "version" in class "Seurat...
Step 1. Launch the "Finder" application from the Launchpad at the screen's bottom. Step 2. Access the "Applications" tab from the "Finder" app and spot the "kernel extension" software. Step 3. Once you discover the troublesome software, right-click on it and opt for "Move to Bin"...
In my original post I showed a post, in which the person creating the app using xcodebuild had to use the folder name as the destination of the build, which created a problem when using pkgbuild, and this made the plist hidden to the pkgbuild command and this created this error message...
When I connect my iPhone 13, iOS17.3.1, to my Macbook Air 2017, Monterey 12.7.3, I get the Unknown error 7004 in Finder. I want to sync some items but that's not possible obviously. (I'm using the same iCloud ID on both devices by the way.) ...
FinderSync Foundation GameController GameKit GameplayKit GLKit ImageIO ImageKit Intents IOSurface iTunesLibrary JavaScriptCore LocalAuthentication MapKit MediaAccessibility MediaLibrary MediaPlayer MediaToolbox Metal MetalKit MetalPerformanceShaders MobileCoreServices ModelIO MultipeerConnectivity NaturalLanguage Network...
OpenFinderon your Mac. Click thetriangle icon⏏next to the external disk on the sidebar. The disk will eject in a few seconds. If it doesn’t, you’ll get a prompt. ClickForce Ejectfrom the prompt. ClickForce Ejectagain to confirm your decision. ...
In the Force Quit Applications window, select an application. Note You cannot exit Finder. ClickForce Quit. Repeat the previous steps until you exit all active applications. Warning When an application is forced to exit, any unsaved changes to ope...
Mac:Finder > Go > Go to folder > (type this exactly) ~/Library/Application Support/Autodesk/Identity Services Windows:C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Local\Autodesk\Identity Services Delete the file: idservices.db Restart Fusion. Confirm that system meets requirements ...
Step 3: Open the error-causing Illustrator file in Adobe Illustrator via “Reveal in Explorer” (Windows) or “Reveal in Finder” (Mac). Step 4: In Illustrator, copy all elements (Ctrl+A, then Ctrl+C) and paste them into a new file (Ctrl+V...
NEXT ACTION: COMMAND = Error: ARGUMENTS = Missing 'command' object in JSON SYSTEM: Command Error: threw the following error: Missing 'command' object in JSON Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\keato\anaconda3\lib\runpy.py", line 196, in _run_module_as_main return _ru...