在modelsim界面,点开work,找到其中相对应的测试文件的名称,然后回到quartus中操作一下步骤:assignment——setting——simulation——compile test bench ——test benches——新建——将正确测试名称填进去——删除原来的test bench 解决
failed to open design unit file "<installation_path>/tennm_hvio_ncrypt.sv" in read mode environment bug id: 14019447353 quartus edition intel® quartus® prime pro edition version found: 23.1 version fixed: 23.4 description due to a problem in the quartus® prime pro edition software ...
modelsim10.4仿真错误Error: (vlog-7) Failed to open design unit file "XXXXX" in read mode解决办法 答:此错误消息表示尝试以读取模式打开指定的文件时出现问题。 解决方法:1、文件路径不对,或者文件不存在,找到对应文件放到指定文件下 2、工作目录设置错误,设置工作目录为测试文件所在目录,并且要包含有功能文件...
解决方法一: 在app/build.gradle文件中加以下代码,以关闭Android Studio的PNG合法性检查。 lintOptions { aaptOptions.cruncherEnabled = false aaptOptions.useNewCruncher = false } 解决方法二: 只需要将图片复制出来,然后右键使用画图编辑,保存为PNG格适即可。 解
Common design-time errors If the Windows Forms Designer fails to load due to an error in your code, in a third-party component, or elsewhere, an error page is presented instead of the designer. This error page doesn't necessarily signify a bug in the designer. The bug may be som...
For example, if you are populating an image source with a URI, and anticipating the possibility for a load failure for that URI/image is an intentional part of your application design, you would typically provide a handler forImageFailedthat is attached to that specificImageobject. If you have...
DesignStorage DestinationAssistant DetailDataView DetailPageItemTemplate DetailView DeviceTest DevTunnels DGSLFile 圖表 DiagramError DiagramWarning 對話 DialogGroup DialogTemplate 菱形 字典 DictionaryContains Diff DimensionBrowserView DimensionBuilderView DimensionTranslationView DimensionUsageView DimensionWriteback Di...
is connected to GNDERROR:Xst:1847 -Designchecking failedERROR:Xst:2033的意思是:在IBUFDS模块里面的输入被接地了 来自南方的狼2020-09-21 10:48:02 UBIerror: ubi_io_read:error-74 (ECCerror) -- IPNC RDK 5.1.0 autoboot:0Loadingfrom NAND 512MiB 3,3V 8-bit, offset 0x500000Image Name ...
Error: (vcom-7) Failed to open design unit file "directory/file name" in read mode. Can you inform me how I can overcome it? I am using ModelSim Altera Starter 10.1d with Quartus II 13.1. Thanks! Translate Tags: Intel® Quartus® Prime Software0...
(EPM 02009)...111 EPM 03000 - EPM 03999 Repository manager...112 Error while attempting to link to AARepoMgt.exe. (EPM 03002)...112 Repository Version Manager failed: %1. (EPM 03003)...112 Error while reading the parameter 'LastPushUnv' in the table ci_param. (EPM 03004)......