汉化文件错误,版本不行,你得换一个! 目录下有个commonfilesinstaller文件夹,双击进入,看到里面有个名为Adobe Common File Installer.msi的文件双击它运行,选择界面里的“卸载”选项。卸载完后,再安装Adobe After Effects CS4,安装完后,看看 FilesAdobe下是否存在了Fonts和TypeSpt这两个文件夹,如果...
After Effects error: Failed to parse transmap file. 报错信息说明: After Effects 错误:无法解析 Transmap 文件。转换 Unicode 字体时失败了,因为没有相关的规则文件。 报错的可能原因: 一般来说,在 Adobe 的字体系统被破坏时就出现此报错消息,这是各种程序之间的共同组成部分,是与你的操作系统的字体系统并存的。
1、使用windows优化大师卸载并清理注册表 2、使用Windows Installer CleanUp Utility清理数据库信息,安装好后要从“开始”程序打开,然后在列出来的信息中找有关AE的信息,选择“remove”就可以了。【关键步骤清理数据库信息】(你可以到我百度空间博客上下载AE卸载专用工具)3、清理干净后再次安装AE就可以...
The package you uploaded is not a HarmonyOS package with the file name extension .app. 996 Failed to parse the package due to an unknown error. 997 The package name is different from that configured for the app. 998 The uploaded package does not support the selected devices. 999 The pro...
TypeManager_GetSiloGrainInterfaceMapError 104201 TypeManager_GetClusterGrainTypeResolverError 104202 LogConsistencyBase 104300 LogConsistency_UserCodeException 104301 LogConsistency_CaughtException 104302 LogConsistency_ProtocolError 104303 LogConsistency_ProtocolFatalError 104304 ServiceFabricBase 104400 Tra...
ImageMapFile ImageTest ImmediateWindow 已實作 ImplementedOverridden 實作 ImplementingImplemented ImplementingOverridden 實作Overriding ImplementInterface 匯入 ImportCatalogPart ImportFilter ImportSettings 包含 IncreaseBrightness IncreaseContrast IncreaseDecimals IncreaseFontSize IncreaseHorizontalSpacing IncreaseIndent Increa...
Action: Make sure the username and password grant the desired access to the requested server-side resource. ACC011 The expected client file {0} is missing. The deployment of the application or retrieval of the app client might have failed. Cause: The manifest of the generated facade JAR file...
If an error code starting with APIGW is returned after you call an API, rectify the fault by referring to Error Codes. Status Code Error Code Error Message Description Measure 400 0023 Failed to obtain cluster details. Failed to obtain cluster details. Check whether the MRS cluster status, ...