在这两句前面加上REM(注意REM后边加上空格),变成REM fastboot %* flash crclist %~dp0images\crclist.txt ||@ECHO"Flash crclist error" && exit /B 1REM fastboot %* flash sparsecrclist %~dp0images\sparsecrclist.txt ||@ECHO"Flash sparsecrclist error" && exit /B 1 改完保存。 (也有人说将flash...
右击原文件编辑或者试图用记事本打开。 2、找到有"Flash sparsecrclist error"错误代码的那一行(在比较开头的位置),也就是”fastboot %* flash sparsecrclist %~dp0images\sparsecrclist.txt || @echo "Flash sparsecrclist error" && exit /B 1“。直接删除整行命令。 FAILED (remote: update sparse crc list...
使用MiFlash 刷机提示 error:Writing ‘sparsecrclist’ FAILED (remote: ‘update sparse crc list failed’) 错误 解决方法:在解压的线刷包文件夹里找到 flash_all_lock.bat 文件(如果不加 BL 锁刷机,则选择 flash_all.bat 文件),用记事本或其他文本编辑器打开,找到下面两行内容,在其前面添加 :: 注释符,...
error:FAILED (remote: update sparse crc list failed)。刷机被中断。 我们应该怎么解决这个问题呢?解决办法很简单,打开下载回来的ROM线刷包,将 flash_all.bat flash_all_except_storage.bat flash_all_lock.bat。 这三个文件一次用记事本货其他文本编辑工具打开,将下面一行内容删除,直接保存即可。需要删除的内容如...
error:Writing ‘sparsecrclist’ FAILED (remote: ‘update sparse crc list failed’) 导致这个错误的问题原因不明,但可以通过注释刷机脚本的相关代码解决,具体请参考解决方法。 error: Missmatching image and device error 这个是机型与ROM不匹配,排查解决方法请查看此页面介绍。
https://xdaforums.com/t/error-failed-remote-update-sparse-crc-list-failed.4265453/ Every google attempt lead me to this. Sadly it's a not the same error (flashing 'sparsecrclist'). I'm getting a different error when flashing 'super'. I tried removing the sparsecrclist flashin...
{hostSystemName}", "rhs": "Linux" }, "vendor": { "microsoft.com/VisualStudioRemoteSettings/CMake/1.0": { "sourceDir": "$env{HOME}/.vs/$ms{projectDirName}", "copySourcesOptions": { "exclusionList": [ ".vs", ".git", "out" ] }, "rsyncComma...
(and ran multiple UE in docker isolated on each unique GPU rendering) ue4-docker with a local server where I was using a monitor connected to one of the NVIDIA GPUs via HDMI cable. But when I tried to replicate same setup to a remote server with 8 GPUs I kept running into this issue...
failed to start daemon: error initializing graphdriver: overlay2: unknown option overlay2.override_kernel_check: overlay2 解决方法一: 添加一块支持overlay2存储的,步骤如下: 1.看下文件系统是否支持了ftype,1表示开启,0为关闭 [root@k8s-master docker]# xfs_info /|grepftype ...
0003 Encryption password failed verification process 0004 Encryption password too long 0005 Unexpected error 0006 Unexpected error 0007 Unexpected error 0008 Unexpected error 1024 0x0400 NWPSE UNABLE TO VERIFY IDENTITY 1025 0x0401 NWPSE NOT REMOTE PRINTER 1026 0x0402 NWPSE UNAUTHORIZED PRINTE...