@文心快码BaiduComateerror: #28: expression must have a constant value 文心快码BaiduComate 回答 1. 确认错误信息的上下文 错误#28: expression must have a constant value 通常出现在C或C++等编译型语言中,特别是在处理与编译时常量(compile-time constants)相关的表达式时。这些语言要求某些上下文中的表达式必须...
下面的语句(第4行)有错:u16 rr=uy;错误的原因是定义变量的初始化值必须是常数,不能是变量,你可以修改为:u16 rr=9;
After compiling I have an error: #28 expression must have a constant value. I do not know how to solve it. Can anyone help me ? STATUSswitch_stats_example( api_device_t *only_device ) { UINT8port1 = 1; sc_read_ctrs_in_tread_in = {RIO_A...
0x1234, (unsigned short*)&Profile.F, // error: expression must have a constant value }; }
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.16.27023\include\type_traits(2428): error: expression must have a constant value C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.16.27023\include\xutility(385): error: expression must...
When a variable length array (C99 supported) is declared, and error: "expression must have a constant value" is raised. To Reproduce #include<stdio.h>intmain(void) {inti,n;printf("How many numbers do you want to reverse? ");scanf("%d",&n);inta[n];printf("Enter &d numbers: ",n...
However, now I have an error now that I don't understand since my code is basically identical to the example. The error: src\main.c(170): error: #28: expression must have a constant value That section of code: void LSM303_read(uint8_t *m_buffer) ...
上面2个程序都会报错为:Error[Pe028]: expression must have a constant value --- 意思是...
在IAR环境中有下面的代码,会出现Error[Pe028]: expression must have aconstantvalue 错误,但是MDK的环境就不会出现,能有大神帮忙看一下 冰箱洗衣机2019-09-10 04:37:10 C++function技术的实现与具体运用 当std::function对象没有初始化任何实际的可调用元素,调用std::function对象将抛出std::bad_function_call异...
/include/absl/strings/str_cat.h(269): error: expression must have a constant value I go to that file, and found that it's an template, how to comment this out, I have no idea, can you help me to check it out? Here is the 269 line: // Normal enums are already handled by ...