解释“expected identifier before '(' token”错误信息的含义 "expected identifier before '(' token" 是一个编译时错误,通常出现在C、C++、Java等编程语言中。这个错误表明编译器在期望一个标识符(如变量名、函数名等)的地方遇到了一个左括号 (。这通常意味着在函数调用、表达式或声明中,语法结构有误。 可能导...
}gpio_reg_r; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 错误就是: error: expected identifier before '(' token 最后在网上找了一下,发现是GPJ0CON与头文件中的GPJ0CON重名了,但是这重名也太夸张了,连结构体中的变量也会重名 最后改了一下就可以编译了 typedefstructGPJ0 { volatileunsignedintGPJ0con; volatileunsignedintGPJ...
倒数第七行 应该是if (b<=a[i]&&(d>a[i]))
I get the error: "Error: expected identifier before '(' token" while accessing a structure" It's probably some problem with the syntax that I'm not getting. Can someone help me? fprintf(output,"%d:%d\n", ((int0int*)(aux->this))[1]); ...
error: expected identifier before '(' token问题补充:匿名 2013-05-23 12:21:38 错误:标识符“(”令牌之前的预期 匿名 2013-05-23 12:23:18 错误:预期标识符之前“(”象征性 匿名 2013-05-23 12:24:58 正在翻译,请等待... 匿名 2013-05-23 12:26:38 错误: 预计前 '(' token ...
I don't really understand why it doesn't work if somebody can help me what i see when compiling the function hasard_ban return me a structure with the same type as case_b (T_Tab_Case), and I can't fill case_b #include"header.h"intmain(){intnlig, ncol, niveau, next, nban;typ...
error:expected identifier before ‘(’ token,结构体指针宏定义错误编译时弹出标题所示错误,一般为宏定义里有与其他地方重复的常量符号。找出名字重复的符号并修改即可。如:A文件中:#define UART (UART_TYPEDEF *)BASE_ADDR_UARTB文件中:typedef enum{UART, (此处
/usr/local/src/CuraEngine/src/pathPlanning/../utils/LazyInitialization.h:68:21:error: expected ‘,’ before ‘...’ token f, args... ^ /usr/local/src/CuraEngine/src/pathPlanning/../utils/LazyInitialization.h:68:21:error: expected identifier before ‘...’ token ...
I am getting a number of compile errors but I think they are all due to the first error (could be wrong) - error: expected identifier before '*' token (@synthesize *lists; in the .m file) I'm not sure why my code is showing up the way it is in the view below the...