Action: An unexpected error occurred during SQLJ translation. Contact Oracle if this error persists. Unexpected token 'unexpected token' in Java statement. Cause: Java statement cannot have token 'unexpected token' in the position in which it appears in the source code. Action: Check the syntax ...
This problem is caused by an unknown error during package parsing. Try again later. If the problem persists, submit a ticket to Huawei technical support. Error code 997: The package name is different from that configured for the app This error indicates that the package name contained in your...
{"Response": {"Error": {"Code":"AuthFailure.SignatureFailure","Message":"The provided credentials could not be validated. Please check your signature is correct."},"RequestId":"ed93f3cb-f35e-473f-b9f3-0d451b8b79c6"} } Code in Error indicates the error code, and Message indicates the...
See Also Handling Errors About the HTTP Status Code Learn how the status code helps you determine if an App Store Connect API request succeeded or why it failed. Pinpointing the Location of Errors Locate the specific source of the error....
Visual Studio attempted to a load a designer that's registered for the file type but could not. This is most likely because of an error that occurred during setup. Contact the vendor of the language you're using for a fix. A service required for generating and parsing source code ...
If an error occurs during instant messaging, you can obtain the related error codes from the API's callback parameter, which is an anonymous class in Java, a block in objective-c, or a lambda expression in c++.Error CodeDescription 1009001 Description: the input message content is empty ...
1367 22007 ER_ILLEGAL_VALUE_FOR_TYPE Illegal %s '%s' value found during parsing 1368 HY000 ER_VIEW_NONUPD_CHECK CHECK OPTION on non-updatable view '%s.%s' 1369 HY000 ER_VIEW_CHECK_FAILED CHECK OPTION failed '%s.%s' 1370 42000 ER_PROCACCESS_DENIED_ERROR %s command denied to user '%s'...
MultipleDataSourcesUnsupported Multiple data sources are not supported. 400 Client NumberFormatError An error occurred while parsing a number. This error can be caused by underflow or overflow of integers. 400 Client ObjectSerializationConflict InputSerialization specifies more than one format (CSV, JSON...
User assigned managed identity is not supported for this source. UserMismatch User Mismatch. UserNullError This error code comes back fromAcquireTokenSilent(IEnumerable<String>, IAccount)calls when a null user is passed as theaccountparameter. This can be because you have called AcquireTokenSilent ...
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