'error' : 'off', // 不允许出现debugger语句'no-dupe-args': 'error', // 函数定义的时候不允许出现重复的参数'no-dupe-keys': 'error', // 对象中不允许出现重复的键'no-duplicate-case': 'error', // switch语句中不允许出现重复的case标签'no-empty': 'error', // 不允许出现空的代码块'no-...
'no-dupe-args': 2, // 不允许在函数声明或表达式中使用重复的参数名称 'no-dupe-class-members': 2, // 不允许在类成员中使用重复的参数名称 'no-dupe-keys': 2, // 不允许在对象文字中使用重复键 'no-duplicate-case': 2, // 不允许在switch语句的case子句中使用重复的测试表达式 'no-empty-chara...
no-array-constructor": [ "warn" ], "no-caller": "error", "no-cond-assign": "error", "no-const-assign": [ "warn" ], "no-control-regex": [ "warn" ], "no-delete-var": [ "warn" ], "no-dupe-args": [ "warn" ], "no-dupe-class-members": [ "off" ], "no-dupe-key...
and this on the console: C:\Users\Usuario\Desktop\smart-home-nodejs\frontend\src\smart-device.js 13:1 error Import and export declarations are not supported yet node/no-unsupported-features/es-syntax 14:1 error Import and export declarations are not supported yet node/no-unsupported-features/e...
- step: &backend-sonar name: sonar backend (sst) size: 2x caches: - node - sonar script: - yarn - cd packages/functions/ - yarn coverage - pipe: sonarsource/sonarcloud-scan:2.0.0 variables: EXTRA_ARGS: > -Dsonar.organization=gbandsmith -Dsonar.projectKey=ec2-le...
'no-dupe-keys': 2, // 不允许在对象文字中使用重复键 'no-duplicate-case': 2, // 不允许在switch语句的case子句中使用重复的测试表达式 'no-empty-character-class': 2, // 不允许在正则表达式中使用空字符类 'no-empty-pattern': 2, // 不允许空块语句 ...
"no-dupe-keys": 2,//在创建对象字面量时不允许键重复 {a:1,a:1} "no-dupe-args": 2,//函数参数不能重复 "no-duplicate-case": 2,//switch中的case标签不能重复 "no-else-return": 2,//如果if语句里面有return,后面不能跟else语句
I have tried restarting my IDE and the issue persists. I have updated to the latest version of the packages. I have read the FAQ and my problem is not listed. Repro module.exports = { root: true, parser: "@typescript-eslint/parser", pars...
invalid-first-character-of-tag-name error. Tag open state'sAnything elsestep. To make valid HTML, you should use<instead of the<. Or you can ignore the error by the option ofvue/no-parsing-errorrule:https://github.com/vuejs/eslint-plugin-vue/blob/master/docs/rules/no-parsing-error.md...