Select geometry in structure tree --> Use right click --> Select Check Geometry. (Or Tools - Fault Detection in DM) The geometry should be error free to proceed. If geometry has any errors, please modify/recreate geometry at those places. The error may be due to intersecting bodies as w...
swFeatureErrorPartialEdgeFilletUpdateFailed53 = Failed to update the partial edge data swFeatureErrorSweptFlangeInvalidProfileOrPath69 swFeatureErrorSweptFlangeSelfIntersectingGeometry70 swFeatureErrorUnknown1 = Unknown error swSketchErrorExtRefFail51 = Sketch error ...
A self intersection in the mesh means that there are at least two mesh faces that are going through each other. The surfaces that are intersecting are displayed in the error message as observed in Figure 1: Figure 1: Self-intersection error message with intersecting entities given ...
swFeatureErrorPartialEdgeFilletUpdateFailed 53 = Failed to update the partial edge data swFeatureErrorSweptFlangeInvalidProfileOrPath 69 swFeatureErrorSweptFlangeSelfIntersectingGeometry 70 swFeatureErrorUnknown 1 = Unknown error swSketchErrorExtRefFail 51 = Sketch errorSee...