提交错误报告给您的设备制造商或Android系统的开发者。总结 error: device unauthorized 错误通常与ADB连接的权限问题有关。通过检查设备连接状态、撤销USB调试授权、重启ADB服务、清理ADB密钥等步骤,您应该能够解决这个问题。如果问题持续存在,请考虑寻求更专业的帮助。
if (ALLOW_ADBD_NO_AUTH && property_get_bool("ro.adb.secure", 0) == 0) { auth_required = false; } // 添加下面这行,解决【error: device unauthorized】,正式发布 android 时,要还原 auth_required = false; --- --- grep "ro\.kernel\.qemu" -R . --exclude-dir=out --exclude-dir='...
if (ALLOW_ADBD_NO_AUTH && property_get_bool("ro.adb.secure", 0) == 0) { auth_required = false; } // 添加下面这行,解决【error: device unauthorized】,正式发布 android 时,要还原 auth_required = false; --- --- grep "ro\.kernel\.qemu" -R . --exclude-dir=out --exclude-dir='...
adb shell --- error: device unauthorized. 手机设置:允许调试 root@kali:~# adb shell error: device unauthorized. This adbd's $ADB_VENDOR_KEYS is not set; try 'adb kill-server' if that seems wrong. Otherwise check for a confirmation dialog on your device. root@kali:~# rm .android/adbke...
error: device unauthorized. This adb server's $ADB_VENDOR_KEYS is not set Try 'adb kill-server' if that seems wrong. Otherwise check for a confirmation dialog on your device. 这个原因大概是因为在Android端没有显示“允许USB调试吗?”这个对话框,或者没有对这个对话框进行操作导致,重新插拔下数据线...
adb shell --- error: device unauthorized. 手机设置:允许调试 root@kali:~# adb shell error: device unauthorized. This adbd'sADB_VENDOR_KEYS is not set; try 'adb kill-server' if that seems wrong. Otherwise check for a confirmation dialog on your device....
error: device unauthorized. This adb server's $ADB_VENDOR_KEYS is not set Try 'adb kill-server' if that seems wrong. Otherwise check for a confirmation dialog on your device. 复制上述百度一下;发现有很多人遇到同样的问题;有的人只是重新拔插换个USB接口,换根线就解决了。我试了n次不行。
来修改发现adb连上之后输入adb shell cat /data/stbconfig.ini就提示error: device unauthorized. Please...
The error message was "device unauthorized. Please check the..." In general, the location of the default android setting wasC:/Users/Your_login_name/.androidthen I copied and pasted all files in the '.android' folder to my new pc's setting folder. ...
报错: error: device unauthorized. This adb server's $ADB_VENDOR_KEYS is not set Try 'adb kill-server' if that seems wrong. Otherwise check for a confirmation dialog on your device. 1. 2. 3. 4. 解决办法: 拔掉数据线,重新连接;