Define error correction code. error correction code synonyms, error correction code pronunciation, error correction code translation, English dictionary definition of error correction code. Noun 1. error correction code - a coding system that incorporate
ECC(Error Correcting Code)automatically corrects errors from missing or damaged data. ECC(ErrorCorrectingCode)自動錯誤改正功能,預防資料缺漏及毀損。 The SPT recommendscorrectingthislacuna by including intheCodeacriminal offence ...
(redirected fromError correcting code) Acronyms error detection and correction (algorithm, storage) (EDAC, or "error checking and correction", ECC) A collection of methods to detect errors in transmitted or stored data and to correct them. This is done in many ways, all of them involving some...
ErrorCorrectingCode(ECC)Checksumenablesthecorrectionofsingle-biterrorsindatabasepages(in the.Edbfile). 通过纠错码(ECC)校验和,可以纠正(.edb文件中)数据库页中的单个位错误。 5. Errorcorrectingcodemainlyincludesblockcodeand convolutionalcode. ...
self correcting a. 自动调整,自动修正 Error 误差,错(=ERR)由计算或量测出来的值与理论上正确的值之偏差。由于可确定的特别原因所造成的误差部分,例如一个四舍五入误差,严格的讲这种误差是不可避免而且随时会发生的,又如无限级数所用的近似值也 ERROR 错误,失误,差错[C] The Code of Hammurabi 汉莫拉比...
PURPOSE:To quickly perform the error correction up to the correction capability which a code has by selecting the most frequent value out of values, which are obtained by product sum operation between a feedback coefficient and components of a two-dimensional arrangement, by majority decision at ...
Error-correcting code (ECC) or forward error correction (FEC) is a method that involves adding parity data bits to the message. These parity bits will be read by the receiver to determine whether an error happened during transmission or storage. In this case, the receiver checks and corrects...
假设我们要传输一个大小为 n 的数据集,不幸在传输过程中发生了错误,有些数据变了(generally,一个 0-1 串的某些位置发生了翻转)但我们不知道哪里错了,这时候要想恢复数据就不是一件容易的事。Error correcting code 就是一类在出错之后还能恢复数据的编码方案。(类似地,有 error detecting code,出错之后能看出来...
ERROR CORRECTING CODE DECODING DEVICE, ERROR CORRECTING CODE DECODING METHOD AND ERROR CORRECTING CODE DECODING PROGRAM Disclosed is an error correcting code decoding device capable of efficiently performing decoding processing for a variety of interleaver sizes while suppressing increase in the size of ...