“continue语句不在循环内”是一个编译时错误,它表明continue语句被错误地放置在了循环结构之外。continue语句的目的是跳过当前迭代中剩余的代码,直接进入下一次循环迭代。因此,它必须位于某种循环结构(如for循环、while循环或do-while循环)内部。如果编译器发现continue语句不在任何循环结构中,就会抛出此错误。 提供可能导...
when using loops within your programs, as you may make a programming error which results in a loop that never terminates. redlion.net 请注意,在程序内使用循环时应该小心谨慎,因为可能会 出 现导 致循环无法终结 的编程错误。 redlion.net [...] under these terms and conditions to any other ...
<value>Internal Error: Text manager cannot continue with current statement. Run DBCC CHECKTABLE.</value>Hi morshedk,Based on the error messages, you are recommended to run DBCC CHECKTABLE. If you run DBCC CHECKTABLE on the table without error, I think you could try to run the procedure ...