110126 16:07:48 [ERROR] Slave I/O: error connecting to master 'uk_slave_user@ccukdb1.domain.int:3306' – retry-time: 60 retries: 86400, Error_code: 1045 And SHOW SLAVE STATUS\g shows this error: Last_IO_Errno: 1045 Last_IO_Error: error connecting to master 'uk_slave_user@ccukdb...
071101 7:05:19 [ERROR] Slave I/O thread: error connecting to master 'featureserver@': Error: 'Lost connection to MySQL server during query' errno: 2013 retry-time: 60 retries: 86400 071101 7:24:19 [ERROR] Slave I/O thread: error connecting to master 'featureserver@10.10...
1.Slave I/O: error connecting to master 'backup@192.168.1.x:3306'-retry-time: 60 retries: 86400,Error_code:1045 解决方法: 从服务器上删除掉所有的二进制日志文件,包括一个数据目录下的master.info文件和hostname-relay-bin开头的文件。 master.info::记录了Mysql主服务器上的日志文件和记录位置、连接...
Version:2018.2 语言:中文 MasterServer.OnFailedToConnectToMasterServer(NetworkConnectionError) 描述 在连接到主服务器时发生问题的情况下,在客户端或服务器上调用。 错误的原因会以 NetworkConnectionError 枚举的形式传入。
Message: Error connecting to master: CR_PROBE_MASTER_CONNECT was removed after 8.0.32. Error number: 2025; Symbol: CR_PROBE_SOURCE_CONNECT; Message: Error connecting to source: CR_PROBE_SOURCE_CONNECT was added in 8.0.33. Error number: 2026; Symbol: CR_SSL_CONNECTION_ERROR; Mess...
报错:(未解决)Opening socket connection to server master/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error) 报错背景: CDH集群中,将kafka和Flume整合,将kafka的数据发送给Flume消费。 启动kafka的时候正常,但是启动Flume的时候出现了报错现象。
Error(f"No master found for {service_name!r}{error_info}") redis.sentinel.MasterNotFoundError: No master found for 'mymaster' : Redis<ConnectionPool<Connection<host=:password@sentinel.redis,port=5000,db=0>>> - ConnectionError('Error -2 connecting to :password@sentinel.redis:5000. Name or...
报错:(未解决)Opening socket connection to server master/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error) 报错背景: CDH集群中,将kafka和Flume整合,将kafka的数据发送给Flume消费。 启动kafka的时候正常,但是启动Flume的时候出现了报错现象。
Could someone help me, i have recently switched my router, i used teamviewer for a few days it was all ok, 3 days ago it just stopped working suddenly, i checked the log file and it says Teamviewer couldn't connect to master server, with ErrorCode=10, al
Again, there's a long list of possible slave-to-master connection errors, eg ... Firewall? Port? Master grants for the replication user? Does master need SSL? Does the slave error log show a specific error number? Binary log read error?