probably very familiar with the game’s many errors. One of the most common problems involveserror 213, which the game says is an “error connecting to auth server.” If you’ve been hit withEscape from Tarkoverror 213, keep reading to learn what it means and what you can do to fix ...
Game launch error ERROR: 103003 Error connecting to auth server ERROR: 213 can not open game. Support website down so can not delete and redownload. heyitsfog Member 3 Posted December 27, 2023 you can redownload the ...
在本机安装,基本上和上面一样的参数,安装了有卡巴等防火墙,安装成功;同样的游戏包,远程拷到服务器上安装,设一样的快捷参数,和你一样出现同样的提示。把卡巴关掉了也不行。所以判断,应该不是-nomaster的原因。猜想有无可能是权限设置问题造成的 然后,尝试取消添加参数,当把有关地图的参数去掉...
cxxdidfjtf 没买游戏 1 我也是这个 213 - Error connecting to auth serverERROR: 213 7楼2020-03-07 20:14 回复 立次方蒙蔽 莫辛狂人 9 我朋友不信,退了之后就就不去了 来自Android客户端8楼2020-03-07 20:14 收起回复 KingilTc 舔包精英 8 上不去了 来自Android客户端9楼2020-03-07 20...
针对您遇到的“error connecting to the database: er_not_supported_auth_mode: client does not support authentication protocol requested by server”错误,这里有几个可能的解决步骤: 1. 确认错误信息完整性 首先,确保您获取的错误信息是完整的。有时候,错误信息的上下文可以提供更多关于问题的线索。 2. 研究er...
No matter what I do I cannot connect to a server using SSH authentication. I have tried generating a number of different keys, and even imported keys that were generated on a different device to no avail. I always get the same error: Error Connecting: authfailed(methods: [SSH.AuthAgent]...
Make sure that the storage account’s access control settings allow the specified operation also to check if the “Public access” setting is configured correctly. It should match your intended access level (e.g., private, blob, container).
ADLSDK_STATUS_AUTH_PENDING22:Retry limit exceeded connecting to the Service Causes: Corruption of the Autodesk Desktop Licensing Service (ADLS). ADLS is missing updates. The Autodesk Single Sign On component (...
Console Error Message: Error while connecting to adapter: openlogin WalletLoginError: Failed to connect with walletFailed to login with openlogin at Function.value (index.ts:143:12) at Function.value (index.ts:147:12) at u.<anonymous> (o...
这就是说明你写的语句没问题,此句实现插入一条name为a kecheng为d fenshu为d 的数据 说明你插入的...