What’s My Error Coin Worth? Prices for United States Error Coins Note:The approximate prices listed below are for the most common U.S. coin errors and have been collected from auction results, dealer buy/sell lists and standard numismatic publications. To learn how errors occur, seeU.S. ...
Gilfillian, Trudi
The value of your off-center coin is best given by someone who has seen your error coin in-hand and can evaluate its individual merits as the unique off-center strike that it is. That said, there are some rough approximations on what off-center error coins are worth. Here is a list o...
Dimes,,Proof Sets,Rare Coins Rare 1975 Dime Value Did you know there’s a rare 1975 Roosevelt dime worth$350,000500,000? (See update below.) It’s true, and it’s probably the most valuablecopper-nickel clad United States coinever made. ...
Rich OffErrorCoins By JBRemt ( $0.99 ) Do you want to make some extra money? Do you have a jar of change at home? Did you ever wonder if any of those coins are worth more than face value? This application will ... 10 DBA Sidekick (SQL Server) ...
Only silver lining is the amount of money I've saved from being unable to purchase new plants and coins. Like 1 Reply mixologistmarc2 years ago I have found a solution for Android devices not involving EA. I closed the game, went to the Google Payments center, and cleaned up my ...