505 http version not supported. 不支持http的版本 http status codes returned by servers on the internet. 从internet返回的http status代码(http 状态字) http_status_continue (100) the request can be continued. 请求不能被继续 http_status_switch_protocols (101) the server has switched protocols in ...
12052 - Https Http Submit Redir 12053 - Insert Cdrom 12171 - Failed DueToSecurityCheck Top FTP API Error Codes 12110 - Transfer in Progress 12111 - FTP Dropped Top Gopher API Error Codes 12130 - Protocol Error 12131 - Not File 12132 - Data Error 12133 - End of Data 12134 - Invalid Loca...
The server does not support the HTTP protocol version used in the request. 506: Variant Also NegotiatesThis results from a configuration error on the server. 507: Insufficient StorageThe server cannot store the information needed to complete the request. 509: Bandwidth Limit ExceededUnofficial error...
12052 - Https Http Submit Redir 12053 - Insert Cdrom 12171 - Failed DueToSecurityCheck Top FTP API Error Codes 12110 - Transfer in Progress 12111 - FTP Dropped Top Gopher API Error Codes 12130 - Protocol Error 12131 - Not File 12132 - Data Error 12133 - End of Data 12134 - Invalid Loca...
UnsupportedProtocolHTTP(S) request protocol error; only GET and POST requests are supported. UnsupportedRegionAPI does not support the requested region. Service Error Codes Error CodeDescription FailedOperation.CardSideErrorThe CardSide type of the ID card is incorrect. ...
HTTP response codes in this family are just for more information, only to identify that a specific process has been finished or a request has been completed. It is rare thatHTTP status codeswithin this range are used, because most of them specify seemingly mundane processes. Examples of these...
Some error codes are displayed in the returned messages for task viewing requests. HTTP status codes may not be accurate. The ECS service is strongly dependent on other services, such as network and storage. If the reported error messages contain information about ECS-depended services, contact ...
Error Codes When an exception (failure callback/Promise reject) is thrown when using cloud capabilities, theErrorobject contains theerrCodeanderrMsg. Cloud Base HTTP API response packages also containerrcodeanderrmsg. The table below provides a list oferrCodevalues....
Describes error codes 12000-1599 defined in the WinError.h header file and is intended for developers.
iOS NSError HTTP错误码大全 NSErrorcodes in the Cocoa error domain. enum {NSFileNoSuchFileError= 4,NSFileLockingError= 255,NSFileReadUnknownError= 256,NSFileReadNoPermissionError= 257,NSFileReadInvalidFileNameError= 258,NSFileReadCorruptFileError= 259,NSFileReadNoSuchFileError= 260,NSFileRead...