[11:06:54.069] Downloading VS Code server locally... [11:06:54.130] Terminating local server [11:06:54.131] Resolver error: Error: XHR failed at C.onerror (vscode-file://vscode-app/usr/share/code/resources/app/out/vs/workbench/workbench.desktop.main.js:72:1399) [11:06:54.133] --- ...
Resolver error: Error: XHR failedat y.onerror (vscode-file://vscode-app/d:/ProgramFiles/MicrosoftVSCode/resources/app/out/vs/workbench/workbench.desktop.main.js:95:1261) 尝试了换代理,离线安装,删除已有的.vscode-server文件夹等方法都不管用 最后更新了一下VSCode 就好用了 就是菜单->Help->Check f...
“xhr failed”错误通常表明在尝试通过XMLHttpRequest(XHR)进行网络请求时失败了。在VSCode的上下文中,这个错误可能发生在VSCode尝试从远程服务器下载或更新组件时,尤其是在使用Remote-SSH插件进行远程开发时。可能的原因包括: 网络连接问题:本地机器或远程服务器无法访问外部网络,特别是无法访问VSCode的更新服务器。 代理...
windows中装wsl,而vscode来连接wsl,今天死活登录不上去,提示Resolver error: Error: XHR failed。网上...
Type: Bug Steps to reproduce: Freshly installed via winget install vscode. Attempted to install the "WSL" extension and shows the error message The editor could not be opened due to an unexpected error: XHR failed. Tried to access other ...
The network of the environment may be faulty.Rectify the fault by referring to Troubleshooting Failed XHR.
CODE,代理的关闭步骤如下:右键点击电脑右下角的网络图标 2. 关闭代理
Resolver error: Error: The VS Code Server failed to start 解决方案一: 打开VS Code菜单"View"->“Command Palatte”->“Kill VS Code Server on Host” 选择出问题的远程服务器杀掉那个上面的VS Code server。然后重新尝试登陆 解决方案二: 更新ssh插件,或者卸载重新安装(亲测好用)。
Technical details: {"name":"Error","message":"XHR failed"} Collaborator daniv-msft commented Nov 4, 2020 Thanks @alan-wr for reporting this issue. As of today, from what we've seen, this error seems to be related to network issues and the VS Code API we rely on doesn't provide ...
【VSCode报错】 Error while fetching extensions : XHR failed 问题描述:如题目 问题解决:关掉代理,网络-代理-禁用,再重启