RESOLVED TEMPORARY OUTAGE- Post Marked as Solution forVisibility Hi everyone, We experienced atemporary outageaffecting some EA app services, causing some users to receive the EC:10000 error when trying to launch or log in. This issue was resolved around 10:30 am GMT+1 this ...
@JustDoinItBigI have a quick solution for your ea app log in error 10000 which worked for me. . . Change the public dns server address 1.hold windows key and press R to open run. the run dialog box type ncpa.cpl then click ok. 3.right click your network adapter and c...
EC:20:403 - Origin error code Description This error happens because Origin is no longer available for Windows. Solution Install the EA appto play games on PC. EC: 10000 - EA Account issue Description Your EA Account can’t be authenticated. ...
EC:20:403 - Origin error code EC: 10000 - EA Account issue EC: 109 - App files are corrupted If you’re still having problems with the EA app, our servers could be down. Check if the EA app is down. Check for connection issues. If you didn’t find the error code you’re lookin...
Stop error code 0x00000141, or 0x00000117 Contact the vendor of the listed display driver to get an appropriate update for that driver. DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL Stop error code 0x0000000D1 Apply the latest updates for the driver by applying the latest cumulative updates for...
5% are caused by Microsoft code. 15% have unknown causes, because the memory is too corrupted to analyze. Note The root cause of stop errors is rarely a user-mode process. While a user-mode process (such as Notepad or Slack) may trigger a stop error, it's us...
Stop error code 0x00000141, or 0x00000117 Contact the vendor of the listed display driver to get an appropriate update for that driver. Stop error code 0x0000000D1 Apply the latest updates for the driver by applying the latest cumulative updates for the system through the Microsoft Update Cata...
5% are caused by Microsoft code. 15% have unknown causes, because the memory is too corrupted to analyze. Note The root cause of stop errors is rarely a user-mode process. While a user-mode process (such as Notepad or Slack) may trigger a stop error, it's usually exposing the underlyi...
Comprobación de errores 0x1DE: BUGCODE_WIFIADAPTER_DRIVER Comprobación de errores 0x1DF: PROCESSOR_START_TIMEOUT Comprobación de errores 0x1E4: VIDEO_DXGKRNL_SYSMM_FATAL_ERROR Comprobación de errores 0x1E9: ILLEGAL_ATS_INITIALIZATION Comprobación de errores 0x1EA: SECURE_P...
Code: -1Text: because of a program errorMessage: Could not open “04.01.psd” because of a program error.Stack:Adobe Photoshop 24.0.0 20221013.r.59 3a3d7610 address: 0x00007FF6B387AEB2 base: 0x00007FF6AEC10000 module name: 'Photoshop.exe' symbol: xmlListWalk:...